Results (8)

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I left the exam entrance, grabbed my clothes, and searched for Midoryia to see how he did, but I couldn't find him so I decided to sit down and wait for Compress to pick me up. I'll change when I get home.

I sat down on a curb outside the school and took a breath of fresh air. It's nice to be above ground, the air doesn't feel heavy and my ears don't feel like they need to pop.

Actually, my right ear hurts.

I reached up to touch my ear and felt warm, sticky liquid. I brought my fingers in front of my face to see them coated glossy red. That damn brat.

Ignoring the pain I kept looking around. The light blue sky was covered by a sheet of cirrus clouds. Spread out and stretchy. Being that it's February the trees were missing their leaves and the air was bitter. I shivered and pulled my legs closer to my body.

A black sports car pulled in front of me and I recognized it as Dabi's so I opened the door and got in.

"Well how did it go?" He questioned as he put the car in drive and pressed the gas.

"I got 56 points in the physical exam and I think I did well on the written."

"Good. So you're going to pass?"

"I think so. I'll find out in a week when we get the letter."

"Ah fuck we are going to have to pick it up from the address we put down."

"Which is?"

"An old friend of mine. He let us use his address for you."

"Oh cool."

"Once we get home we are supposed to report to Shigaraki where he will lay down some ground rules. Keep your mouth in check. Just because I let you mouth off doesn't mean he will."

"Yeah yeah." I rolled my eyes as I turned the music up for the ride back.

We were about half way when I turned the music down to ask him a question, "hey Dabi?"


"How do I uh.."

"What? Spit it out."

"How do I act like a student?" I quickly asked.

"Oh. Uh you just do- I don't know."

"What." I deadpanned.

"I'll get you a book on it or something."

"Okay..." I said as we pulled into the leagues underground garage. That was strange.

Dabi parked and we walked up to the bar in order to talk to Shigaraki.

"Ah good you're back," Shigaraki's scratchy voice reached my ears.

"How was the written exam?" Compress asked.

"It went well. There were only a few things I doubted my answer on," I replied in a professional tone.

"And the physical aspect?" Twice asked. "No don't tell me!" He said quickly after.

We stared at him to make up his mind.

"Okay you can tell me now."

"I got 56 points which is good. I should pass with flying colors."

"Good good," Shigaraki scratched at his neck. "I have a list of rules for you," he said while passing me a piece of paper

1.) No friends.
2.) Be friendly ONLY for information.
3.) Don't reveal your second quirk.
4.) Don't be too flashy with your skills.
5.) Use the name Osami, Ash.
6.) Return directly here after school. Be here by 3:45 pm.
7.) Tell the teachers how we run things here and you're dead.

I gulped at the last rule and looked up at Shigaraki.

"Seems simple enough," I passed the paper back.

"Keep it incase you forget," he smiled.

I folded the paper and put it in my pocket and went to stand up.

"Dabi take her to her cell and explain the rest," he commanded.

Dabi stood up and started walking so I followed. The walk was slow and silent until we got to my cell.

"Alarm clock."

"Excuse me?"

"I got you an alarm clock."

"Oh? Thank you?"

"So when you start school you can wake up on time. Plus I figured you don't really have a sense of time in here because you don't have a phone. So yeah."

"Oh, thank you," I softly smiled.

"So here's what going to happen everyday when you start school-"

"We don't even know if I got in yet," I cut him off.

"Pretend you did. Moving on, you will wake up, walk to school, gather information, and return directly to the bar where you will tell us what you gathered. You will not speak of who we are or where you live. Your family is poor which is why you don't have many possessions. You were homeschool by your mother which is why you are not accustomed to the outside world or making friends."

I took in everything he said and nod my head.

"That's all. Train or stay here I don't care." Then he walked away.

"Can you help me pull out the sparing dummies?" I asked before he was too far.

"Here's the key to the closet, get them yourself," he took a key off his belt loop and threw it to me. I caught it and jogged to the closet.

Once I finished lugging all the dummies to the mats in the training room I was out of breath. I grabbed a prefilled water bottle from the bench thanks to Dabi and began my workout before training with the dummies.

I started my usual cardio warmup which consists of running for ten, a jump rope circuit for five, suicide runs for another five, and finishing with a light jog for three minutes.

After that I practiced attack combos and knife throwing on the five dummies I set up.

With my chest heaving up and down, I stopped and started to stretch so I could practice some tumbling. Toga taught me some skills she learned from when her parents enrolled her in gymnastics.

-One Week Later-

I was sitting in my cell reading the book Dabi got me about school life.

'Having friends around you in a school environment is very important. Support your peers while they support you. Make sure to keep your studies up while making friends!'

How do I make friends? I thought before I was reminded of the list I'm using as a bookmark.

"Hey," I heard Dabi's voice.

"Your letter came in. Shigaraki has it."

"Where is he?" I asked trying not to show my excitement.

"The bar. He's about to open it."

I scrambled down the hall and skid to a stop inside the bar to see All Might as a hologram sitting in Shigaraki's hands.

"Osami, Ash, I am happy to say you have been accepted into UA's hero program class 1-A. You received a phenomenal score of 71 which placed you in second. You passed and placed third in the written exam as well. I'll see you this April Ms.Osami!" All Might finished his speech.

I made it.

I can be a hero.

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