betrayal (19)

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April 12th -same day-

Ash Pov:

After school hours my ass.

I clenched my fist and got ready to fight before any other students knew what was happening. My muffled ears drowned out the voices of my classmates and teachers as I set to charge down to the villains.

"Osami! Get back now!" I heard Mr.Aizawa call me back.

My chest huffed and teeth clenched as I reluctantly turned my back to the league. I followed my classmates behind Thirteen until Kuriguru stopped us. I gave a crooked smile and returned to my stance.

"Stay back!" Thirteen warned the class but was too late because Bakugo and Kiri were already charging Kuriguru head on.

"DIE!" I rolled my eyes and put up a shield of fire around my classmates and I from behind.

Denki looked dumbfounded and started waving his arms around, "Why did you put it behind us?! The villain is in front of us!"

"Incase another villain comes behind. That was we can focus on this one for now." I kept my hand on the fiery wall so I can hold it's form for longer.

Denki made a long oh sound followed by a cough, "what's happening?!" Uraraka yelled out.

Bakugo and Kiri got in the way of Thirteens attack giving my companion an opening to split us up. When the purple mist cleared I found myself and Todoroki on the ground next to each other.

"You okay?" The boy asked me. I dusted myself off, "I'm good, you?" He gave a curt nod and I lent him a hand to stand up.

I heard a noise come from behind me and shot an arrow towards the source. Todoroki seemed to have the same idea because when I turned around I found ashes from my quirk and an ice pick in the male villains shoulder.

I walked up to Todoroki, "We should make a game plan."

"First I think we should find our classmates. They may be in danger." He surveyed our surroundings and I followed.

"I agree. We should look for them on our way back to the gates to leave." He nodded again and we started walking in the direction of the exit... Which is across the building.

"Keep your guard up there may be more," Todoroki and I spoke at the same time.

We both laughed and continued to walk while checking all directions. Some time went by and we didn't run into any villains.

"Maybe there isn't more?" Todoroki questioned.

"No there must be," I breathlessly spoke. "Behind you Osami!"

A group of villains surrounded us while we stood back to back ready to put up a fight. I sent a wave of fire forward and Todoroki sent a glacier of ice.

We took out all the villains in one foul swoop, fist bumped and jogged in the original direction we were going. "Hey look," I pointed down at Aizawa with the league.

"We should help," Todoroki said.

We ran down to the main battle and observed to see how we can help. I took notice of a new villain who is covered in scales and green.

"We should take out the lizard first. He's isolated from the rest, they won't even notice he's gone." Todoroki agreed with my plan so we snuck around some rocks in order to get closer.

"Now," we dashed out from behind the rock and the villain started to run.

Todoroki took action by freezing his feet and I sent a ball of fire at his back. The villain cried out but Todoroki encased him in ice so he can't be heard.

I chuckled and he smiled before we ran back behind the rocks, "Okay now that he's out of the way we should try picking them off to help Mr.Aizawa," I whispered.

We watched the scene in front of us escalate due to Midoryia jumping into the action. Shigaraki was going straight for Tsuyu causing Midoryia and I to attack him. I had sent an arrow into his thigh, getting ready for a second one, and Midoryia was grasping his arm when All Might made his entrance. The tall hero walked down the stairs and gave some heroic speech while we all watched in silence.

This is a battle not a tv show for fucks sake, I broke said silence by fabricating a fleet of arrows in Shigaraki's direction. Although none of them hit because Kuriguru warped them away. The battle resumed while Midoryia, Tsu, and another boy carried away Mr.Aizawa's mangled body. I looked at the evil in front of me in terror. What... Is that thing.

The blue giant beast roared and screeched aiming for All Might.


Seconds after Bakugo blasted into the fight with Kiri to help Todoroki and I, "Okay you seriously need a new phrase!" I threw my arms in the air and rolled my eyes. The four of us kept all of the sidekick villains back until they were all incapacitated. Our chests heaved and we looked at each other knowing it was a job well done.

"We should get out of the way," Todoroki suggested.

"No way! There's still more villains," Bakugo growled at Todoroki.

Kirishima tried to reason with the riled up boy, "Bro we might make things worse for All Might. We should let the pros handle it or we could get in trouble."

I kept my eyes on Shigaraki who was watching the Nomu attack All Might. I took a deep breath and waltzed toward Shigaraki, my head held high.

I threw my palm out in front of me and a spear of fire hit Shigaraki's shoulder. I smiled and made more arrows direct at the villain.

"Let's get out of here," Shigaraki spoke to his group and left using Kuriguru's quirk, causing my arrows to go right through.

"Damnit!" I cursed under my breath.

The students who were still on the field limped and stumbled to the front gates where the rest of the class is waiting.

Mina rushed over and put her hands on my shoulders, "Thank god you're okay!" She pulled me in for a hug and my eyes widened.

I quickly made a fake grunt of pain so she wouldn't proceed with the hug, "Sorry! We should get you to recovery girl, you look awful."

"Why thank you," I chuckled.

We laughed and started walking together into the school, "wait one sec." I turned around and walked up to Bakugo while holding my side.

"Yo, come with us to recovery girl."

He scowled and scoffed, "why would I do that?"

"Because your ankle is hurting," I pointed down at his foot.

"Wha- Yeah whatever, I'll go later." I rolled my eyes at the boy and grabbed his arm, "Just c'mon."

A/N: I've rlly been struggling with ending my chapters so sorry abt that 😅

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