Aizawa's minions (26)

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April 14th, Saturday- The same day

I laid face up to the ceiling thinking over the previous events and what had followed.

'Who's Toya?'

I can't shake the look of Dabi's face when I had asked that question. At first it was shock, then fear and then... anger.

"Don't ever say that name again, do you fucking hear me?!"

I tried to steady my breathing from the recollection of how close his face was to mine, I felt the anger seethe off of him and the spit from him yelling land on my face.

"I'm- I'm sorry I didn't know the name meant something to you."

My apology only seemed to make him more upset and he stepped even closer if that was possible.

"You didn't know?! How do you not know Ash! If anyone should know it's you!"

I gaped at his words and lost my temper,

"If you know so much of my past, why don't you fucking enlighten me?!"

I roughly put my hands on his chest and shoved him backwards.

"I don't know anything of your past, how many times do I have to tell you?"

At this point the two of us were yelling so loudly I'm not sure how the others didn't hear.

"That's bullshit and you know it! Whoever Toya is, he must be-"

I grabbed my chest and heavily breathed thinking about the initial shock of Dabi's fist hitting my nose. I shuddered at the cracking noise and Dabi's stone cold stare and ragged breathing.

The way he looked at me, it was as though he's never known me. He looked at me like I was a stranger and I never want him to look at me like that again. I crossed a line and I know I did, but there's nothing I can do to make up for it.

Besides, right now I need to stop the blood that's gushing out of my nose. I've been leaning my head forward and pinching the bridge for nearly half and hour but it's still going. I can feel where my nose has gone crooked and I think it needs reset. I've never had to deal with a broken nose before but based off fighting lessons with Twice, a nose that's out of place needs to be fixed as soon as possible. I tried pushing on the bone myself but the pain stopped my hand every time I tried.

Hissing in pain I fished my phone out from between the layers of my sleeping bag and shoved it in my sports bra. I walked out to the bar where everyone was sitting, including Dabi.

"Broke my nose, I'm going to get it fixed."

I didn't wait for a response as I shoved open the door to outside and dragged my feet down the path.

While I walked I kept one hand on my nose and the other on my phone texting the group chat,

Aizawa's minions:

Hey, how do I fix a broken nose?

wonder what the other guy looks like

just go to ur doctor

What doctor?


Guys help it's been bleeding for half an hour and I don't know where a hospital is.

Fucking Idiot
Come over I'll fix it for you

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