End of first day (12)

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April 10th -same day-

"And I was lying, no one's going home."


"That was just a rational deception to make sure you gave it your all in the tests."

Everyone started talking to each other in shock. I listened to what others were saying, but I said nothing myself.

"I'm surprised the rest of you didn't figure that out. I'm sorry, I guess I probably should've said something."

Whoever that girl is, she's hot, but does she think she's better than everyone? What's up with that stuck up attitude.

"That's it, we're done for the day. Pick up a syllabus in the class room, read it over before tomorrow morning."

That's it? We do simple exercises and go home? I mean it is only the first day.

I walked back to the classroom and picked up a pamphlet then started my way towards the league.

"Osami!" I heard a green mop call my name once I was outside.

I looked over and he waved me to join him. I shrugged and walked over. The sun is beating down on my face and blinding my vision, but I walked in his general direction

"What's up?" I asked.

"Hey! Wait up you three! Are you going to the station? I'll join you guys!"

Great. Her again. She's awfully nice, but too girly and chipper for my liking. I prefer someone like Mina or Jirou was it?

"I'm Ochaco Uraraka. Let's see, you are Tenya Iida, You're Osami Ash, and your name is Deku Midoryia right?"

Why is everyone calling him Deku all of a sudden?

"My name's actually Izuku, Deku is what Kachaan calls me to make fun of me."


"Wait who is Kachaan?" I asked.

This is all so confusing. Is this was all schools are like?

"That's Bakugo. I've called him Kachaan since we were little." Dek- Midoryia explained.

Okay I now see why Bakugo calls him that. It's catchy. The three chatted a little more and I stood there awkwardly waiting for Midoryia to tell me what he called me over for.

"Excuse me-" I interjected them.

"Oh, what's up Osami?" Midoryia asked me.

"What did you call me over for? I should probably head home."

"Oh! I just wanted to see if you would like to walk home with us?"

"I'm sorry but I can't. I'll see you three tomorrow," I awkwardly smiled and started walking away.

The three students stared at Ash in confusion and shock because of how bluntly she turned Deku down.

I made my way back to the leagues base through alleyways and backroads. It's much easier and quicker than using crosswalks. I even know a beautiful, shady shortcut through some woods.

I was making my way through the woods and everything was peaceful. The birds were chirping, squirrels play fighting and running around, the newly grown leaves were ruffling in the breeze. Then I heard a stick crack and a thud. My head snapped in the directions and I saw a blonde flash through a clearing in the trees.


What is he doing in the woods? I wondered as I kept walking.

"Hey you all right?" I called out.

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