Strawberry Jam (25)

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April 13th, Friday- same day

Dabi's pov:

In the blink of an eye, a bullet with her name on it whizzed through the air and pierced into her shoulder. I stared in shock and couldn't bring myself to move no matter how bad I wanted to.

She didn't seem to know what had happened either, she just looked at me with the same tired, hopeful expression as always. My lip trembled and eyes started to burn as I watched her reach her opposite hand up and feel the wound. She didn't return to look at me, but this time at the man who did it.

My senses came back to me and I stumbled forward and down to the ground where Ash kneeled.

"Hey, hey keep you're eyes open," I harshly whispered.

I frantically touched her arm, then up to her shoulder, and finally her face. I lightly slapped her while trying to get her to listen.

"Stay here. Don't sleep yet, just focus on me. You can sleep soon I promise," Her eyes were looking behind me while I put pressure on her shoulder.

I yelled over my shoulder for help, my voice cracking.

"Compress please!" I cried out.

I could sense his sorrow, but also his fear of Shigaraki. Tears fell from my eyes onto my delicate sister's body.


"Ash, wake up!"

I shook her good shoulder and grabbed her jaw, moving her head a few times.

"You need to cry! Cry damnit!"

I pleaded with the unconscious girl. I tried again to call for Compress or Twice but neither could offer their help.

I hurriedly picked her up and ran to the lab where I set her on the table. The doctor looked back and forth between the two of us, "do something?!" I threw my hands in the air.

He jumped and started going through drawers looking for a tourniquet. Once he found it, he tightly secured it around Ash's upper arm to slow the bleeding as much as possible.

"I- I don't know how to cauterize the wound," he looked at me with wide eyes.

"Move," I shoved him to the side and prepared myself for the lifelong scar she will have.

I controlled the flames from my hand onto her open flesh. She woke with a start and let out cries of pain before going unconscious again. Few tears slipped from her eyes so I collected them with a small vial and poured them on the now closed hole.

I watched the burnt flesh morph into a scar and a bruise appear on the skin around it. A desperate sigh of relief left my throat as I sat down in a chair next to the gurney. I leaned against the plastic mattress and rested my head in the palms of my hands.

'Damn brat'

The next day, Saturday- April 14th

Ash pov:

I lazily woke up on the plastic gurney I have spent many days on. Dabi is asleep at my side and I have an iv hooked up to my arm.

I groaned and ripped the needle out of my skin, throwing it to the side and standing up. Quickly becoming dizzy I placed one hand on the bed railing before gently rolling out my shoulder and wincing at the soreness. Dabi must've changed me out of my school uniform into the sweats I'm now wearing. I still have the same sports bra on from earlier, but without a shirt covering it.

Easy access for my shoulder I guess. I stumbled over to the door still half asleep and left the room not wanting to spend another second in there.

Down the hall in my cell the clock reads eleven am. I grabbed my brown shirt and slowly pulled it over my head. An airy sigh left my throat at the soft fabric against my skin. I picked at the white, rubbery flower design on the front while I walked to the bar for breakfast. Using one arm I opened the bag of bread and slipped it into the toaster to make it a nice, crunchy, golden brown. While I waited for the loud ding I walked over to the fridge and opened it. My eyes looked over the ingredients until they landed on strawberry jam.

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