Normal (1)

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Warning: All triggers are listed in the story description. That will be your only warning. Read with caution.

Also pretend Dabi has been with the league since day one. Okay let's go.

I remember a time when I thought I was normal. I lived in a small, stuffy, bland room isolated from the world.

I thought that at my age I was supposed to be locked up in a room while manifesting a quirk. The rules were that I couldn't talk, see anyone, or go outside.

That was my normal.

I spent my days staring at the cobwebs, playing with my quirk, or even though it was forbidden... Talking to the boy on the other side of the door.

The only consistent thing in my life was that boy. The boy who I've never met and probably never will. The boy who saved me with his unenthused voice.

The boy wasn't allowed to talk to me, but disobeyed our father and did it anyway. Any chance he got, the boy visited me. Whether is was late at night or if father stepped out. Most of the time he would catch the boy and I could hear the scolding he got for it through the door.

And there was nothing I could do. At least while I was locked behind this door.

I felt helpless.

Exactly as I feel now... Completely and utterly helpless. Weak even.

"What the hell Dabi?!" I spat at him while he forcefully dragged me from my cell.

I was minding my business trying to calm myself down when he started dragging me around like a doll.

"We have another test to try," he bluntly said.

"I'm not their guinea pig," I clenched my jaw in hopes of not flipping out. This will probably be over the one hundredth test they have done on me.

"Stay." Dabi put quirk cancelling handcuffs tightly on my wrist and threw me into a lab chair.

"Geez big bro why so aggressive?" I chuckle.

He just growls at me and walks away. He's no fun. So I sit here with a pout on my face, studying the room. It's quite bare. There's a wall with tools such as stethoscopes, scalpels, pliers, etc hanging and a desk sitting below them. Another wall has a sink and countertop lined along the wall and above it is paper towels, gloves, and tissues. As for the cabinets above that, who knows. The rest is empty space to move around, minus the lab table in the middle that I'm currently strapped to.

After a complete survey of the room that never changes, I let my mind wander. I was born with the quirk of a Phoenix, I cry tears that heal and play with fire.

It's a flashy quirk, sure. My quirk is powerful enough I could be a hero. That's what I want to be... For the boy.

'A hero. That's what I'm training for, isn't that cool?!'

As I closed my eyes I could hear the boys voice. It's just like always, I can't see the memory but I can hear it. His voice is all that matters. His words inspire me to no end.

Dabi and his sadistic friends have been trying to give me a mind reading quirk. They had tried once when I was younger, but all that did was make memories quite foggy. After starting back up, the last test they ran gave me the ability to hear past memories instead. I guess something 'went wrong.' 

Although I can't see them, I'm grateful to hear the boy's voice. Don't get me wrong, I hate these stupid experiments because they hurt like a bitch, but if they didn't do this to me I would've never heard my brothers voice again.

...At least I think he's my brother. I grew up in the same house as him until I turned seven. A couple days after my birthday a bag was thrown over my head, I woke up in a park, then awoke again here. Wherever here is...

"Okay Ash, you ready?" The way too bubbly doctor asked me. Looking him over, he still stands as a short plump man with a full grey mustache and goggles over his eyes. As for his hair...well he has none.

"It's not like I have a choice do I?" I growled back.

"Don't look at it that way, this could be a miracle!"

"I already told you, I don't want any more quirks. One is enough."

"You could be so powerful with two quirks... Just imagine the damage you could cause."

"Tch." I rolled my eyes and looked away, focusing on the bright buzzing lights instead.

"Alright, well let's get started!"

If this works I don't know what I'll do...Maybe I can escape and become a hero...

No that won't work. I have nowhere to go and Dabi would find me, just like the last time I tried. Our relationship is complicated in the sense that he wishes for me to have a happy healthy life, but fears me going anywhere else due to the dangerous of the world that scarred him and the scars that run deep from my own birth family.

When I arrived here he protected me from the others. Their plan was to kill me but Dabi said my quirk was powerful and they could make use of my age and abilities.

I call him my big brother because what else would I call him. He acts like a big brother anyway.

"Ow! Watch what you're doing!" I yelled at the doctor because he shocked me with his quirk while drawing my blood.

"S-sorry." He quickly apologized while going back to poking me.

I rolled my eyes and looked away again. I hate needles. I'm used to the feeling by now, but I still can't watch. I made a promise to myself that one day I will be able to train my sight onto the injection sight without so much as flinching, today is not that day.

"Okay, you ready for the fun part?" he asked.

"Just shut up and get it over with." I glared at him.

"Well alrighty!" He pumped his fist in excitement, shocking me in the process.

I jerked in my restraints and slowly spoke to him gritting my teeth, "I said. Watch it."

He stepped back and went to get what he needed for the procedure so I was left alone for a moment which in turn left my mind to wander.

'I learned how to make snowflakes when my dad wasn't watching. Can I pass one under the door?' The voice spoke while a delicate snowflake melted in front of my eyes.

'Thanks Frost.' I said while giggling at the new nickname I had given him.

Frost huh... So he had an ice quirk. That's right, I remember him passing small ice cubes or snowflakes under my door.

I reminded myself that slowly the memories will come back to me as I let out a shaky breath and try to relax my shoulders. Being tense and worked up while the doctor does his experiments makes everything worse.

"Got it!" I hear the doctor cheer as he walks back in the small room.

He was carrying a thick metal crown with bolts to drill into in my skull. I groaned imagining the pain that hunk of metal will cause.

Heavily sedated, but awake I could hear the sound of a medical drill and grinding bone. My head lulled to the side as I lost myself.

When I awoke there was a bunch of sticky pads with wires connected to my head, neck, and chest.


"AGH-" I yelled in pain while trying to keep still.

"Good, It's working." The doctor giggled and walked back over to me with headphones plus yet another needle.

He put the headphones over the crown and onto my ears. Next he injected a tan liquid into my arm that stung. I hissed from the stinging and the new frequency of sound blasting in my ears.

Then the series of zaps and my screams start.

Yet another day starts of my normal.

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