Open flesh (17)

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April 12th -same day-

I slammed open the door to the bar and flounced forward to jab my finger into Shigaraki's chest, "That was you wasn't it?!"

"You fucking broke down the door to UA. Why would you do that?! It's my job to collect information not for you to barge in and make it look like there's a spy!"

I tried to take a deep breath but failed only getting more agitated due to his lack of a response. "You're going to blow my cover, are you that blinded by your goal in killing the symbol of peace? Why do you want him dead so bad anyway?!"

My voice raised with few voice cracks while my finger pressed further and further into his hard chest.


I shoved him back into the bar top and lunged on top of him, my grip firm on his wrists to keep him from moving. "You're disgusting," I spit.

"Are you done?"

"Why'd you do it?"

Shigaraki sighed, "let me go."

"Tell me why first."

I raised an eyebrow at him and waited for him to make the next move. I tightened my hold on his wrists to show that i'm not moving anytime soon.

"It's a warning."

"For what?"

"You're in no position to be asking me questions!"

I swiftly took a switchblade out of the waistband of my skirt and held it open against his wrist. "You're in no position to afford not answering me right now." I spoke in a low tone directly next to his ear.

He could feel my hot breath and turned his head away for some wiggle room.

"You destroyed the entrance to show a sign of power. You want UA to feel weak so you can get off on your own power rush. Am I right?"

Shigaraki thrashed against my hold and got free due to how much bigger he is than me. I slashed my knife in an upward motion which made a shallow laceration on his forearm.

"Shucks I missed the artery." I stood in a ready stance to keep my guard up incase he tries anything.

He hissed and pressed on the open wound, "you don't need to worry about what we're doing, just focus on getting the information we need."

"What information do you expect me to get?! I get in their heads only to find out their thinking of some girls tits!"

I swung my arms around while I talked and my knife cut through the air with a sharp swish sound.


"Who is we?"

"Everyone in this room. Plus Dabi."

I kept my guard up but surveyed the room. Compress, Kurogiri, Toga, and Shigaraki all stood before me.

"And no one bothered to tell me?!"

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