Partners (29)

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Tuesday, April 17th - the next day

I rolled over and nuzzled my blanket further into my neck. A loud beeping filled my ears, and an annoying buzzing vibrated a hollow, plastic surface. I groaned and shuffled my pillow to sit on the side of my head, pressing into my ear. The cacophony of noise started to slowly fade into background filler and once again I steadied my breathing.

I had finished the ridiculous homework assignment from Present Mic while on my break at work. Whoever wrote that paper didn't do half bad, in all honesty they just seemed unsure of their writing. I began to think about what assignment he will give us today,


I shoved my legs out of my sleeping mat and got ready with haste. I'm going to be late for work on only the second day. I stumbled around my cement block shoving my legs into tights, and books into my bag.

'Why do I start every morning like this?!'

Last night before I returned to the league I finished the second half of my shift and Kimiko told me I can leave my uniform in one of the lockers. They also said I can make a new pastry every morning for breakfast so it doubles as learning and eating. Today after placing tables I put together a lemon tart and slouched into a chair nibbling at it until the cafe opens. Bells dangling at the top of the door jingle as people begin their way inside for their morning breakfast, all new faces to me but it seems as though Kimiko is aquatinted with everyone. I put a soft smile on my face, bagging pastries and making probably way too strong of coffee.

After a few moments of peace from the early rush the bells jingle again just as I was going to change into my school uniform. I turn back around with my eyes squinted from the large people pleasing smile I mustered,

"Welcome in, what can I get for you today?"

A deafening silence disturbed the air causing my smile to drop and my eyes to open, in front of me stood Jirou with her mouth slightly ajar, "Breakfast before school?" I asked.

She nodded her head and gently pointed to a raspberry tart which I bagged, making sure to add an extra candy for her, "is that all?" She nodded her head once again and gave me cash to pay for her treat. My fingers brushed over the crinkled paper as I flipped through my drawer for her change, "keep it" Jirou softly spoke.

My eyes lifted to hers, "are you sure?" The corners of her mouth tugged into a small smile as she took her bag and left, the bell on the door jingling while she did. I stuffed the extra cash into my pocket and made my way to the break room where I changed into my school uniform and said farewell to Kimiko before following Jirou's route down the sidewalk. I tilted my head back as I walked, the warm sun rays heating my cheeks and stinging my eyes (which I didn't mind). My steps felt light and airy today making a smile creep onto my face. Straining my neck I brought my vision straight ahead and pressed my earbuds into my ears. It took a few moments of shuffling before they were comfortable and I could enjoy my walk... For as long as I could.

Further down the street Bakugo's figure stood out amongst the crowd waiting at the intersection. Hands shoved in his pockets, shoulders slouched, and shirt unbuttoned a few holes too low. My eyes rolled and I kept my chin high as I strolled to the edge of the group. We waited for the light to tell us when to walk in silence, except for the loud stare coming from the blonde. His eyes stung my side profile but I refused to look, I won't give him the satisfaction of knowing he bothers me. I felt his eyes trained onto me never leaving, causing my fingers to prickle with warmth. I stretched my digits and continued to watch the crosswalk light while focusing on my music. Any day now...

The light flashed white and my legs jumped at the opportunity to leave. Heel to toe I made my way down the sidewalk while taking notice of the boy following my trail. The other people walking with us slowly dwindled until I was just me... and a few paces behind, Bakugo.

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