Gentle touch (24)

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April 13th- the same day

I walked to the community center with two sad twenties in my pocket. After buying the phone and paying for ramen I ran myself broke.

While I was walking I fiddled with my phone. I set up my email and started signing up for apps plus I made sure to change my Spotify account from my school email to my personal one. I scrolled through trending in the app store and saw a colorful app called 'Subway Surfers.' The game looked intriguing so I decided to get it and play later because infront of me stood the overgrown building I'm becoming familiar with.

I don't have much time before I have to return to the underground league but I can make some quick cash. I quickly tore down some flyers and jogged to each location, finishing the jobs quickly.

Fifty dollars? Not too bad...

Noticing the time I sprinted back to the league and walked in covered in dirt from the gardening I had to do.

"Where's Shigaraki?" I asked when I noticed everyone in the bar except him.

Compress sighed and swirled his drink, "on the phone with the boss."

My eyes widened. It's been years since their last meeting, what changed? Taking this opportunity I quickly walked to his office and room and pressed my ear to the door.

Most of it came out in harsh murmurs but I caught a few key words.

I'm trying



His ... hot

Uh? That's definitely not right. I shook my head and struggled to hear the other side of their conversation.


My breathing hitched and I pushed my ear further into the door, lightly closing my eyes.

She will

I know

I heard them bid their goodbyes so I scampered to my cell. Quickly sitting down, I pulled a notebook out of my bag and picked up a pencil. I tried to focus on the essay that was assigned by Present Mic so it looked as though I was here the entire time. However, my mind wandered to the words I heard through the door. Why were they talking about me? I let my mind go through different possibilities while my pencil scratched scribbles on my paper. My eyes were unfocused on the thin lines below me, but my ears tuned in to the approaching footsteps.

Shigaraki's quick footsteps stopped when he reached my cell, he forcefully grabbed my arm and I let out a gasp at the rough skin contact. The harsh, echoing thumps traveled down the hall where I was being dragged and my feet shuffled trying to get my footing to the floor. The heels of my sneakers brushed against the floor making the occasional squeak.

"Stop moving," he hissed, looking down at me.

My forearm burned from his grasp and I flinched when I noticed his fifth finger getting closer to my skin. He abruptly stopped in front of Dabi's room and loudly knocked.

"What?" I heard Dabi snap from inside.

I finally found my footing and jerked out of Shigaraki's arm only for him to grab my hair by the roots. I instinctively reached my hand up and closed my hand around his wrist. He forcefully pushed Dabi's door open as my palms heated up from my quirk.

"Get Toga and meet me in the lab," Shigaraki commanded.

Dabi rolled his eyes and started to pull a shirt over his head. The skinnier male seemed satisfied with his response and started to march down the hall, his hand still clutching my hair. I groaned and struggled to get out of his reach, but instead a splitting pain would pull at my head due to the situation. I continued to try to get out of his grasp and considered using my quirk. My feet were struggling to keep up with his footsteps as we got closer to the lab and my breathing started to pick up, so I decided my last option is to use my gift.

I took a deep breath, scared of the consequences this will have. I faced my palm toward his ankle and made a thin rope wrap around the chapped skin. I saw his flesh turn a light red and he let go of my hair, starting to reach down and pry the rope off. I sloppily caught my balance and ran the opposite way down the hall towards the door that leads outside. I made it to through bar and could see the door to my escape, picking up my pace I reached my hand out for the doorknob.

A piercing sound rang through my ears and my eyes widened at the nickle sized hole in the wood door ahead of me. I quickly turned around and saw Shigaraki holding his revolver straight forward, the muzzle steaming. I shakily kneeled down on the floor and hung my head.

The man slowly walked over and placed the tip of the gun under my chin, forcing me to look up, "stand." He said.

I did as he wanted and stood to my feet, never breaking the eye contact we held. He pressed the object further into my skin under my chin.

"Who do you think you are?" He calmly asked.

I kept gazing into his lifeless eyes and held my composure.

"I said who do you think you are?" He asked and nudged my head further up, further exposing my neck.

I kept looking through my bottom eyelashes and bit my tongue, "do you think you are in control here? Do you truly believe you hold any power?" He whispered.

I took a deep breath and focused on the iron taste of blood in my mouth.

"ANSWER ME!" He yelled and tightened his hold on the weapon.

I remained silent.

He scoffed and lowered the revolver, turning around to walk away. I let out the air I was holding. My chest started feeling less tight and I tried to relax my tense muscles.

I looked across the room into the hallway Dabi is standing in. I squinted my eyes in confusion at his horrified look. His mouth is agape and I focused on his trembling hands.

His eyes traveled to my shoulder so mine followed. I lightly brushed my fingers against the slightly torn fabric and felt the sticky blood that soaked through. I looked back up and locked eyes with Shigaraki. Standing in front of me he stood there, revolver at his side, no mercy behind his blank eyes.

I felt my legs become weak and my body crumble to the floor. My vision faded black before coming back and seeing Dabi crouching next to me with Shigaraki over his shoulder. I watched him turn around, his jacket blowing behind him, and disappear from my sight.

I could tell Dabi is yelling but his voice is muffled. He lightly tapped my cheek with his palm and I reached up to his hand, my blood smearing across his calloused skin.

I relaxed my entire body and fell into my brothers arms, everything leaving my sight.

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