Class rep (16)

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April 12th -the next day-

Last night I made it back to the league barely on time and was immediately asked for information.

I thought back to what I said lacking any hesitation.

'Bakugo Katsuki would make a good villain.'

I put my head in my hands thinking about it. Why would I say that? He's dead set on being a hero but he lacks the personality for it. That doesn't mean he would be a good villain.

I also told Dabi that students were questioning why I'm so skinny and why I don't eat. He apologized and told me to have toast for breakfast. I asked him if it wasn't normal for someone my age to only eat two, three times a week and he didn't answer.

At the end of the night Shigaraki let me off with only a couple bruises because my information was somewhat useful. He had me write a list summarizing every students quirk and what our daily schedule is.

Right before I went to sleep I ended up telling Dabi a little too much due to my exhaustion,

'I won't use my quirk on them.'

He closed his eyes and sighed, 'I know. Now go to sleep.' He pet my hair and that was the last thing I remember.

The current time is 6:00 am. I got up extremely early in order to go for a run and then the UA library.

Homeroom starts at 8:25.

My routine was different this morning. I put on athletic shorts and a regular shirt with a 25 pound weighted vest underneath instead of my uniform. My uniform is sitting my bag along with my books.

If I'm going to get stronger, I'm going to get stronger.

The weight bashed against my back for the entirety of my jog. Once my watch hit 7:00 I retraced my steps back to the league and went the only way I know to the school.

I arrived at the school at 7:45 only to find the doors locked. I clashed my fits on the door in frustration and let out a stream of curses and grunts.

I just want to know why I am the way I am.

"Ms.Osami?" I heard Aizawa's tired voice.

My eyes lit up, "Mr.Aizawa! Can you let me in the library?" I asked.

"Why are you here this early?" He grunted.

"Why are you here this early?" I bantered back.

"I'm making lesson plans. I'm a teacher remember?"

"Oh, right. I just wanted to check out some books."

"Fine." He stepped aside and told me where the library is located.

I thanked him and ran through the halls.

When I got through the doors of the library I was in awe of how huge the rows of books are. I only have one book that I keep rereading.

"How can I help you?" A smooth, rich voice rang through my ears.

I studied the woman in front of me and smiled. Her arm up to her neck are covered in tattoos and her face plus ears have shining silver piercings. She has long silky black hair that sticks out in some places; and has a charming smile plus carefree vibe.

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