Bentos (28)

57 4 0

Monday, April 16th - same day

"I'm not going to go easy on you," he growled with the usual gruff, raspiness to his voice.

I retorted with the same level of attitude, "And why would I expect you to?" with a slight smile and tilt of the head.

"Because your shoulder is injured," he whispered as he passed me to get into position.

My grin dropped and my arms hung loosely at my sides. How did he know? I quickly looked down at my shoulder to see if the wound reopened but it hadn't. He seemed to know what I was thinking and took it upon himself to explain.

"You've been favoring it all day, only using it when it's necessary."

I took in a sharp breath and without a word got into a ready position.

"Ready, fight," Mr.Aizawa echoed in the gym.

Knowing Bakugou, I made a shield in the matter of seconds to block his full blown attack. He kept sending explosion after explosion but I made headway between blasts, one step at a time until I was close enough to see his feet. Dropping my shield for a second, I sent a rope around his ankles and pulled, hard. He fell onto his back and I dragged him towards me. A soft hue of pink spread around his trapped skin causing me to tone down the temperature of the fire.

Orange, wispy flames encased my body to repel his blasts due to him frantically trying to escape. Mere feet away from the edge he caught his footing and started to balance himself giving me a split second to attack. Blazing flames lapped over my leg as I sent a round-house kick to his side.

Just barely blocking it with his forearm, he stumbled back but quickly caught himself. I took this chance to send wave after wave of scorching fire to keep him steadily stepping back. I glanced down at how close he was to the border; just a couple more inches and I'd win. I kept pushing, my quads burning at the movement, but he lunged through my flames and grasped my right arm. A slight gasp left my lips which went unnoticed by the class.

What psycho runs through fire?!

He forcefully spun me around and twisted my arm so it was pressed between my shoulder blades. My shoulder ached in pain and my throat stung from the cry I let out.

He pushed me to the ground while still holding me firm. I bit down on my tongue and used all my strength to roll over so I had the upper hand.

I forced him into an extremely uncomfortable position and pressed all my weight down onto him. With irritation painted across my face I looked into his crimson eyes while he stared back at the fire dancing in mine. Both of us were panting and sweat coated our skin. With swift grace I firmly held a pressure point to turn him into sleeping submission.

I lazily rolled off of his unconscious body and laid there until the smoke around us started to clear. I felt the cold ground pressed to my back as I controlled my breathing once more. With a groan I sat up and started to roll out my shoulder.

"Osami wins," Mr.Aizawa called out just before the bell rang.

"Denki, Kirishima take him to the infirmary wing. Ms.Osami go with them to get that shoulder fixed."

I started to insist I'm okay only to come up short because I know he won't budge. Denki whined the entire three strides it took him to get to Bakugo while Kiri simply followed with a small grin.

Before slinging Bakugo's arm over his shoulder Kiri lent me a hand to stand up. Once on my feet the three of us walked through the empty halls.

"Hey, that was a good fight," Kiri nudged my shoulder.

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