Bus ride (18)

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A/N: Hey lol, sorry I got a bit of writers block 😁

April 13th -next day-

I hazily woke up and scanned the room. It's pitch black but I was able to make out that I'm laying on a fluffy bed and someone is softly breathing on the floor next to me. I took notice of a clock next to the bed which read 3 am in bold red. I groaned and shifted to sit up further only to lay back down with an aching pain in my side.

I lifted up my chestnut shirt to try and take in the damage. I ran my fingers along my side and felt only a scar thanks to my healing abilities, but I have to be careful not to reopen the wound. I feel better now that I know I'm taken care of so I tried to sit up again.

I heard the person next to me grumble and shift around.

"Dabi?" I whispered while leaning on one elbow, the other rubbing my eyes.

The person mumbled and I could sense them come closer to me.

"You up?"

"No I'm the voice in your head," I deadpanned.

"Bitch." He mumbled.


Our voices are barely audible except to each other. Both of our voices are sleepy and we have too little strength to speak up.

"Move over. The ground hurts."

"How do you think I feel every night?" I chuckled.

"Yeah yeah."

I made ire-comprehensible noises when I moved over due to the pain. He gently laid down next to me so he wouldn't cause further discomfort to my injury.

"Hey, thanks for patching me up," I softly spoke.

"Anytime Bird."

"We good?"

"We're good," he confirmed.

I closed my eyes and sank further into his comfortable mattress. For the second time today I took in a deep breath of his bourbon and cigar scent.

"Love you," I breathed out.

"Love you too. Now go back to bed."

Our breathing patterns fell in sync and I relaxed under the blanket of warmth coming from his body.


Dabi's alarm went off at 7am and we both stirred awake. He reached over and pulled on the skinny chain hanging by his lamp to turn it on.

"Fuck that's bright," I mumbled.

"Get over it. Go get ready for school, I'll drive you."

Yoooo I don't have to walk, I mentally cheered. I slowly got up and stretched my muscles while walking to the bathroom.

After brushing my teeth and getting dressed I made my way to the bar to make a piece of toast.

"Don't bother, we will get something on the way." I smiled at my feet and followed Dabi to his car. He got in the drivers seat and I followed by sitting in shotgun. While turning up the music he slowly backed out of the underground garage. I looked out the window and analyzed the differed roads he turned down so I can go to different shops later.

Dabi put the car in park and reached for his door handle, "we're here."

I figured out that we are at a very cozy pastry shop. Dabi walked up to the counter and ordered himself a black coffee and me a water. He also got a strawberry danish.

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