12. Happy birthday, Alex! Let's trade Quidditch secrets!

Start from the beginning

"Says you!" James exclaimed.  "Who's to say your daughter will be innocent?"

His comment caused everyone to laugh and the two children to look up curiously at what all the adults laughed about. They couldn't help but laugh along, even if they didn't know what was going on.

They were just happy everyone else was happy.

Alex slowly opened her eyes, a smile on her face over the pleasant dream or memory she had that night. Slowly, she sat up and stretched her arms out above her head before beginning to get ready with the other girls in her dorm for the day.

She smiled to herself remembering that it was her birthday. She was finally fourteen, which meant only three more years until she was seventeen.  The thought made her smile as she pictured what it would be like but also thought that it meant she would be close to leaving school.  The conversation she had with Cedric a few weeks prior came to mind about what she would do when she left school.  But she wasn't sure what exactly that was yet.

"Good morning, Alex," Hermione spoke as she made her way into the bathroom.  "Happy birthday!"

"Thanks, 'Mione," she told her.

Getting ready for the day, she opted to let her hair stay down and in their natural waves.  Yes, they still had school and it would most likely be a hassle as she was in classes but she wanted to look nice on that day. She just happened to look nice when her hair was down, or so she'd been told.

After getting into her uniform and grabbing her things for the day, she walked down the stairs with Hermione, who lingered back a second to cover her ears as Alex walked into the common room. Before she could walk towards the portrait to head for breakfast a loud pop sounded, causing her to scream before confetti rained down on her.

"Happy birthday, Alex!" The Weasley twins yelled in unity.

She looked up at them, a smile on her face as the confetti settled around her and in her hair. "I should have known," she sighed heavily.

"Just trying to keep you on your toes, love," Fred told her with a wink.

Alex shook her head before heading out of the common room to get some breakfast, all while shaking the confetti off her robes and hair. Upon entering the Great Hall, she claimed a spot at the table, awaiting any mail for the day. Just as she was serving herself more breakfast, another loud pop sound went off, causing her to scream once again as more confetti rained down on her.


Slowly, she turned her head to see Ron and Harry standing there, holding the used poppers with smiles on their faces before sitting down next to her.

"Is this just going to be an all-day thing?" She laughed.

"Most likely," Ron responded, laughing as well. "Happy birthday, by the way."

"Yeah, happy birthday," Harry added, nudging her.

"Thank you, boys," she said.

Hermione came rushing in to grab breakfast with them when the post began to come through the windows. Alex watched as the owls flew by before several came flying at her, dropping a few small packages, as well as letters right in front of her.

Sorting through, she recognized names from several people who lived in Hogsmeade that she spent time with before starting at Hogwarts. Mrs. Weasley had even sent her a box of her favorite cookies and a new hat that she knitted. Then one letter attached to a small box caught her attention, which she opened quickly:

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