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"Matcha ice cream for you." Chan smiles as he passes me my ice cream, then getting his mint ice cream from the vendor before paying and then thanking him.

The both of us then walk over to the sandy part of the beach.

We're back at the beach where we had our first date, and to be honest it was slowly becoming my favourite spot.

Chan then spots a bench as we walk over to it, sitting down in it. The bench did show us a good view of the night sea, but the wind was blowing out at to we did get a strong smell of the sea water.

"I saw on Jisung's Instagram that you guys went out together when you were in Incheon." Chan calls out as he takes a scoop of his ice cream. I nod my head as I lick my ice cream.

"Hyunjin and Soojin was also there, and so was my younger brother." I say as I look at the view.
"Hyunjin was telling me about how your brother was acting around him and how he found it adorable." Chan laughs out a bit. I sigh as I nod my head, turning to Chan with a frown.

"You have no idea how hard it was to get him to shut up when we got back to our parents home." I mumble. "He kept on asking me questions about him. He even kept on asking me if I was dating him!"

"And what's you say to that?" Chan asks with a raised eyebrow.
"I told him to shut up before I told mom one of his secrets." I shrug.

"You and Jiho are like the opposite version of Hannah and I." Chan snorts out as he takes another scoop of him ice cream.

I tilt my head slightly to the side with a confused look. "How?"

"Well," Chan starts as he lets out a deep sigh, leaning back into the bench while looking up to the starry night. "As a starter I'm the one teasing and annoying Hannah, and Hannah's always the one calling out for my mom whenever I do so."

"I'll be honest with you, I'd prefer to have Hannah as my sibling instead of Jiho." I shrug as I bite a bite of the ice cream cone. "Hannah seems so calm."

"Well if you see her YouTube channel, then she's the opposite." Chan laughs as he sits back up. I widen my eyes as I turn to Chan.

"She has a channel? What's it called?" I ask as I take my phone out and opening my YouTube app, then tapping on the search button.

"It's just her name. Hannah Bahng." Chan says while I typed it out. I then look through her channel and notice that she had a song.

"I'm definately going to listen to her song later." I say as I put my phone back into my pocket. "This is why I'd love to have Hannah as my sibling. She's so mature. Meanwhile on the other hand, Jiho's turning 14 and is acting like a total hooligan. I honestly don't know how he's going to act when he has to go to military.."

Chan then turns silent as he slowly looks somewhere else other than me. I frown as I lower my ice cream down a bit as I place a hand on Chan's shoulder.

"Hey, is something wrong?" I softly ask. He sighs deeply before turning to me and nodding his head with a weak smile. "Chan, I've known you long enough to know that something's wrong."

"Jieun.." Chan calls out. I hum in response. He then hold one of my hands in his as he then sighs deeply. "It's just.. you mentioned the military service.."

"Yeah? I doubt Jiho's going to do well in it with how hyper he is." I chuckle. Chan then takes his cap off, revealing his buzz cut. My eyes widen as my shoulders drop, along with my ice cream.

"Jieun, I'm going to the military in 2 days."

Ice Cream || Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now