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"Mom, Jieun got a stranger's number!" Jiho calls out as soon as we step foot into the house. We both take our shoes off and take the leash off of Cotton and letting him run around the house freely to do whatever he wants.

"Your sister's an adult, let her make her own choices without having to tell on her to me." My mom laughs as she welcomes us back home with the scent of her cooking. We all walk into the dining room as Jiho's mouth drops at the sight of the dinner table.

Since it was a Friday, there was a bowl of french fries with small bowls of different sauces like taco sauce, mayonnaise, mustard and ketchup on the side. In the middle of the table was a large mozzarella pizza and a medium sized pepperoni pizza. From the crust of the mozzarella pizza, I could tell it was stuffed. On some other plates were some garlic bread slices which were still steaming. Lastly, there was a plate of chocolate chip cookies.

"Mom, can I move back in here?" I laugh as I jog over to the kitchen sink to wash my hands. the drying them using the hand cloth in the kitchen. My mom smiles as she shakes her head.

"You decided to be an independent woman. You don't need me anymore since you're grown up." She says as she cuts the pizzas into 8 even slices, the placing 1 piece of each pizza on Jiho and I'd plates which were beside each other.

"I love you, mom." Jiho smiles as he kicks his legs in the air while sitting down while taking a slice from his plate and taking a big bite from it. I then quickly make my way over to the dining table to join them.

"So, who's number did you get?" My mom then asks as he places a scoop of fries on her plate. I chuckle lightly as I take a quick sip of water.

"His name is Bang Chan and he looked around my age. His dog was playing with Cotton so I suggested letting them have a playdate with each other." I shrug, the. taking a bite of the pizza. Jiho 'ooo's at me which resulted in getting a kick in the leg by me.

"That's a cute idea. You can invite him over here if you want, but I would suggest going to a park or something since Cotton loves to run around." My mom shrugs. I nod my head as I then look down to my phone, which was in the dining table, and see that Bang Chan was calling me. I frown slightly as it quickly ends. It wasn't long until a message came trialing after a which did make me slightly laugh.

"My sister took my phone and started calling you, I'm so sorry."

"Jieun's in love!" Jiho sings out. I quickly shush him by flicking his head.

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