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"Jieun, mind bringing this to table 14? It's for the baby." My friend, Wooseok, says as he passes me a small bowl of what looks like baby food. I never knew we had this on the menu.. Maybe the parent asked for it to be heated up or something. I nod with a smile as I take the bowl and push the kitchen doors open as I go into the not-so-busy restaurant and looking for table 14.

A small family which consisted of a baby and two parents were happily seated together.

Damn.. I want my own family now..

I out on a kind smile as I approach the table, placing the baby food on the table and asking him if they need anything, which I get replied to with "No thank you, we're ok." from the mother. I bow my head down slightly as I then go to the drinks counter to hang around with Wooseok.

"Next group that comes in is yours, I'm on break in 2 minutes." He says as he cleans up the clutter on the counter. I frown as I look at him with soft eyes.

"Really, Woo'?" I mumble. He nods his head with a proud smile.
Just as he smiles, the front door of the restaurant opened wide which did let in the sound of the busy town, but was then muffled when the door closed. Wooseok then shoved me out from behind the counter, passing me a couple of menus. I brush him away from me as I make my own way to the group who were waiting patiently at the front counter of the restaurant, waiting for assistance.

"Welcome to Suyoo Ramen, how many people are in your group today?" I say with a smile. I look up to the customer and smile even more. "Well hello there, Bang Chan."
He squints at me slightly before realising who I was. He smiles back in return.

"Calling me by my full name, hm?" He chuckles lightly, then looking to his other 2 friends. "Changbin, Jisung, this is the girl I was telling you about."

"Oh!" One of them, who did resemble a squirrel, calls out with wide eyes. "You're.. Jieun?"
I nod. "The one and only." I then clear my throat up a bit. "So, I'm guessing it's a table for 3?"

Bang Chan nods his head. I put a thumbs up as I go onto the restaurant computer and look for available tables, which there was. I click onto the table and put down the details before submitting it. I then take 3 menus out from the pile Wooseok had given me and leading the trio to their table which was a window table.

They all sit down while I passed out the menus between them.
"When you're ready to order, please don't be afraid to call me over since I will be serving you for your time here." I say with a smile. "My friend will be here in a bit to give you guys your cups and water, which is free including refills."

With that, I then leave the table and tell Wooseok about the water amd glasses. He nods with a thumbs up as he grabs a grey, circular try and places clean and tall glasses whole I got a water pitcher from a cabinet and put some ice in it from the freezer, then pouring water into it. I then put it onto Wooseok's tray, then sending him off to the table.

Wooseok then comes back to the drinks counter and slides the tray onto the counter. "They're ready to order now." He says. I nod as I grab a pen and notepad from my apron's pocket, quickly approaching the group.

"So, what can I get yous today?" I say with a soft smile. Why does this job require so much smiling..?

"Bang Chan over here would like to go ou-" Before the squirrel looking boy could finish his sentence, the other boy slapped his hand onto his mouth to shut him up.

To be honest.. it looked liked it hurt since he does look very muscular..

"Please ignore them." Bang Chan smiles awkwardly with a nervous laugh. "1 seafood ramen, 1 miso ramen and 1 tonkotsu ramen, please."
I nod slowly as I take it down. Luckily, the other two had stopped bickering and was now calm.

"Any drinks?" I say after taking it down. I could tell the boy, who was now red after fighting for his life, was trying so hard to hold it in.

The muscular one was also ready to shut him up again.
"Jisung, say one more dumb thing and I'm changing the locks to the house."

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