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"Yeosin, table 9 is waiting for their bill." Wooseok says as he grabs a tray from off the counter. I nod my head as I close the cash register and grab a booklet for the bill to go in and grab their page off the pinboard, sticking it inside of the booklet and going over to the table with a wide smile and passing it to them.

They shove some cash into it and leave with a smile right after. I take the booklet back to the counter to do a counting and to put it in the register.

"You're not yourself today." Wooseok says as he puts a tray back onto the stack. "Everything ok?"

With a deep sigh I turn to look at Wooseok. "I can't stop thinking about Chan." I frown. "Especially since you said I kissed him.."

"Well, you did." Wooseok shrugs as he takes his notepad from his apron pocket and puts an order in. "Saw it with my own eyes. You thanked him for the night by pecking the side of his lips."

"Shut it.." I groan, hiding my face in the palms of my hands, then looking up once I hear the bell go off near the door.

"That group, is definately going to one of your tables." Wooseok smirks as he passes me a bunch of menus and ushers me to the front counter.

I mentally prepare myself as I then go up to the group with a welcoming smile.
"Hello and welcome to Suyoo, how many is in your party today?" I ask, logging into the computer under my name. I then look up and see 8 familiar faces. It was Chan and his friends from the party.

"Jieun?" Hyunjin smiles. Lord, kill me now. "You work here?"

"Well, I have to pay the bills somehow." I laugh. "I'm guessing table for 8?" Hyunjin then nods his head. I then register it into the seating arrangement on the laptop to let other staff know that a table will be occupied. I then grab a few more menus before leading them to their table.

"Here are your menu's." I say while distributing them. "Once you're ready to order, please call me or one of my co workers over." I then leave the table to go back to Wooseok at the front counter.

"Wooseok, I don't feel comfortable serving them, is it alright if you take it?" I ask softly. Wooseok then understands the situation. He then goes over to the front counter to change table 13 from mine to his, then coming back.

"Why don't you take your break early? I'll tell them you aren't feeling well if they ask. I'll even cover your tables." Wooseok says as he leans his back on the counter, crossing his arms over his chest. "You don't have many either way, so it'll be alright."

"Thanks." I smile, then going into the back of the restaurant and to the staff break room.

I don't want to face Chan after hearing what happened between us..

Ice Cream || Bang ChanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz