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"Mom, I'll be going now!" I call out from the front door as I grab my car keys from my hoodie's pocket. I then heard a bunch of heavy footsteps from upstairs, then seeing Jiho skipping down the stairs, almost tripping himself over in the process.

"Bye, Jieun!" He smiles as he gives me a quick hug before heading on upstairs. He was probably playing one of his games.

I then heard my mom coming out from the livingroom with a smile on her face. She softly wraps her arms around my shoulders and giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.
"I'll see you next time, hon." She smiles before breaking the hug and seeing me out of the house.

I wave to her before going into the drivers seat of the car. I had already packed my stuff in my suitcase and had it in the boot, so I was ready to go.

My house is about.. 1 hour and 45 minutes away from my mom's house, so it'll be a long drive. Luckily, I already had a cup of coffee with me since it was night time and I didn't want to be feeling sleepy on the road. It could end badly.
I didn't get to eat dinner though, so I'll probably be getting some dinner at a convenience store if I pass by one.

I then reverse out of the drive way but didn't get onto the main road since I notice I had gotten a notification from my phone. I look to my phone, which was on a phone stand in the car, and open the message.

It was Bang Chan.

A small smile appears on my face as I read the message; "Hey, so I'm actually going back to my own place tonight so sadly Cotton and Berry won't be able to have their playdate for a good while."

I quickly take my phone off the stand to reply to him.
"Oh! I'm also just about to head over to my own place. I was just staying with my parents for the weekend."
Just when I was about to turn my phone off again, he started to reply back. Damn.. He's going to make me go home late.

"What a coincidence! Where do you live?" I then laugh a bit at the next message. "Oh shit wait, that sounded a bit creepy."

"That's alright. I live near the center of Seoul. What about you?"
I then quickly out my phone back on the stand and drive onto the road, heading onto the main road where it was always busy with the cars and pedestrians.

Bang Chan then replied. Why is he so quick?
"Same! We should meet up sometime. I know this really good restaurant in town. My treat?"

Is he asking me out or something?!

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