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"Well good morning." I hear from the kitchen once I leave my bedroom. Wooseok was at the sink cleaning up some dishes. I frown as I look around my apartment.

"Chan isn't here?" I ask as I walk over to Wooseok and take a seat on a stool at the island. He shakes his head.

"He dropped you off last night and immediantly went home. He didn't want you to wake up and think you guys hooked up." Wooseok shrugs. I sigh as I fix my messy hair.

"I made you some soup for your hangover, let's hope that helps with that headache of yours." He sighs, turning around to the stove and pours me a bowl, then sliding it over to me. I frown as I look at him.

"How do you know I have a hangover?" I frown. He smiles as he slides me a soup spoon.
"I know everything about you." Wooseok laughs as he pours himself a bowl of soup. "Now, mind telling me anything you remember about last night?" He then leans on the counter as he has a spoon of the soup.

I hum to myself as I mix the spoon around in the bowl. "Well, I remember that I made a friend called Soojin, and I was acting pretty gay with her."

"We love a bisexual queen like you." Wooseok smiles. "Anything else?"

"Well, I met 7 of Chan's friends there at the party and I also met his younger sister too." I smile. "Oh! His friend that hosted the party's name is Hwang Hyunjin, and he's apparently a big model."

"That's cool, never heard of him, but that's cool."
"That's about everything I remember from last night." I shrug, having another spoonful of the soup.

"That's strange.." Wooseok mumbles as he looks up to me with a frown on his face. "You really don't remember anything else? Maybe something to do with Chan?"

My shoulders drop as I look at Wooseok with furrowed eyebrows. "You're acting strange, Wooseok.."

"You kissed Chan, goddammit!"

"I kissed who?!"

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