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"Jisung?" I call out with a confused voice as I answer my phone, putting my phone up to my ear as I sigh. "Did you lock yourself out of your house again?"

"What?!" He laughs out. "No, I didn't. I actually wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out today."
I then take a seat on the edge of my bed, crossing my legs as I then laid down.

"Sorry, Jisung, I'm not in Seoul right now. I'm actually in-"

"You're in Incheon?" He cuts me off. I then became silent. How did he know?
"Are you stalking me..?" I mumble as I then look outside of my window. "Do I have to tell Chan about you?"

"No! Please don't!" He then shouts, then sighing. "I saw your location on Instagram, you're in Incheon and so am I."

"Damn, alright then." I chuckle slightly. "Alright sure, let's go out."

"Great! If you don't mind, could I have your address so I can pick you up?" I then hear some shuffling around on his end. I him in response.
"I'll text it to you. What time should we meet up at?"

"Does 4pm sound good?"

Well, I have no friends in Incheon and Chan or Wooseok aren't here. Damn, I'm lonely.

"Yeah, 4pm's fine." I say with a smile. "I'll see you then?"
"See you!"

With that, I then end the call with a smile, it quickly dropping as I then remembered I was supposed to bring Jiho out for dinner later..

I quickly jump up from my bed and run out my door and downstairs to the living room where I saw Jiho on the sofa playing with Cotton.

"Jiho, I won't be able to bring you out later." I say as I take a seat of another sofa. Jiho's shoulders drops as he frowns, him turning to look at me.

"What? Why?" He asks as he drops the squeaky duck toy on the grey carpet, letting Cotton take it. I sigh.
"I'm going out with a friend later."

"But you said you were free to take me out!" He whines, him leaning his chin on his hand. "You made a plan with a friend just now, didn't you?"

"What?!" I scoff as I awkwardly laugh. "No.."

About 2 hours later, I was now in Jisung's car.. with Jiho in the back seat smiling widely.
"You better not be a brat to me again after today.." I angrily mumble as I get into the passenger seat of Jisung's car, buckling my seatbelt in.

"Long time no see, Jiho." Jisung laughs as he then goes out onto the main road. "Hope you like sushi, because we're going to a sushi bar."

"Hell yeah!" Jiho shouts out with a wide smile. I sigh as I roll my eyes at him.

"Oh right, I forgot to say that we'll also be meeting Hyunjin and Soojin there." Jisung then says. My eyes widen a I turn to Jisung with a sly smile.

"Soojin?" I ask, Jisung nodding his head. I then slap his bicep, him whining as he frowns. "If I knew she was coming, then I would have dressed up better!"

Jiho then gasps loudly as he then points at me.

"Jieun, are you gay?!"

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