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Few days later and I'm back in Seoul and back to work with Wooseok at a restaurant, but it was night time so we were currently cleaning up.

"Your brother's suddenly good to you because he got to meet Hwang Hyunjin?" Wooseok laughs as he counts the money from the register. "Well, I'll be honest, I'd act the same as Jiho if I met a model."

"That's because you're immature." I sigh as I finish wiping down the tables, throwing the dirty cloth into a bucket of water as I set it down, groaning as I stretch my back. "Chan should be here soon to pick me up.."

I then jump and let out a small scream from a sudden loud noise. I turn to Wooseok and see him frowning. He had slammed the cash box closed.

"You've been on how many dates, and you guys still aren't together?!" Wooseok calls out. as he then sighs. "What does he have planned for you guys this time..?"

"Well, I am craving some ice cream right now.." I mumble as I shrug, picking up a bucket and walking over to the front counter to set it down on the side.

"Then ice cream it is." I hear from the entrance. I turn around with a confused face which did become a smile after seeing Chan at the entrance.

"Chan!" I call out with a smile, running up to him and hugging him tightly, him wrapping his arms around my waist and lifting me up before setting me back down and breaking the hug.

I then turn to Wooseok and go up to him. "Is it alright if I leave you to close up?"
"Yeah sure, whatever." Wooseok sighs as he pushes me away. I smile as I run to the back, taking my apron off and hanging it in a hook. I then open my staff locker and take my bag out, seining it onto my shoulder as I then go back to the front, waving at Wooseok as I leave the restaurant with Chan.

Ice Cream || Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now