Running Man and Crushes Pt. 2

Depuis le début

"You're our only hope hyung, It wasn't Bogum

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"You're our only hope hyung, It wasn't Bogum." HaHa yelled out from behind, cheering Jongkook on.

After a lots of struggling and wrapping legs around each other Gong Yoo finally lost his grip and fell down into the pool.

"He went easy on you, you know." Bogum said to her once they were done changing. They didn't have their mics on yet and they were out in the lawn, drinking some juices.

"Shut up." Sarang replied, a bit annoyed which only made him laugh at her harder.

"But you put up a good fight."

Sarang froze for a second when she heard that deep silky voice directly from behind her. She stared at Bogum with wide eyes while he just kept smirking at her.

She slowly turned around and had to crane her neck to look in Gong Yoo's face.  She didn't realize how tall he was until now.

"I almost lost the game you know." He continued, at Sarang's shocked face he just chuckled and said how he was being honest before walking away.

Later that day, Haha rallied everyone via group chat to settle on one target, so Kwangsoo started another chat and deliberately left Jongkook out. Unfortunately for them, they got caught when Bogum asked out loud if he got a private message and then showed it to Jongkook.

 Unfortunately for them, they got caught when Bogum asked out loud if he got a private message and then showed it to Jongkook

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