"I do want you out of danger. But no, I'm sure he was alone. I want to check out his cabin," Serafina tried to reassure Rosalie.

"Then why can't we go with you?" Rosalie asked suspiciously, "We should stay together. As you said, he was alone. So it should be safe."

"Baby, please, I don't want you near that disgusting man's home. You know how I am. I want to see if he had anything good. I'll take it and meet you guys back at the Denali's home," she said, giving Kate a look for help.

Kate was doubtful of what Serafina said as well. She was sure she knew something but wasn't sharing. She didn't mind. She was sure she could take care of herself. But Serafina would probably be in more danger if she needed to take care of them. She decided to help her, "She'll be fine, Rosie, let's head back."

Rosalie was frustrated but knew she couldn't help if there were danger. Serafina was taking care of her like always. She gave her a hard kiss, "hurry up!" she ordered. Then the three left. A small flame attached itself to Rosalie's wrist without harming her. It just appeared to be a flashy piece of jewelry.

Serafina waited until they were gone before following the man's scent into the forest. She didn't have to go very far before she felt the presence from before. She stopped.

"Why did you lie to them? You said no one else was here," A gravelly older voice said. She, too, made a dramatic entrance from the shadows. She was a hunched older Asian woman with shoulder-length graying hair and using a cane to walk toward her. She appeared harmless, but there was a strength that made you not want to mess with her.

"I didn't lie to them. I said I was sure he was alone. He was, wasn't he? I doubt you were with him," She answered.

"No, I was not with him. I had come out here to kill him. He had been feeding from the town for a few months now. But his last kill today was a friend I knew who worked the docks. I thought it was you, young ladies, from earlier until I caught his scent here," the woman said while leaning on her cane.

"So that was you at the docks earlier," Serafina acknowledged.

"Yes, I thought I would have to take care of you young ladies as soon as I saw you. But you were walking through town, having fun, and interacting with people without fear. It was then I noticed your eyes. Why are they like that? A new change for your kind to blend in to feed?" she asked with interest.

"Our diet," she shrugged, "no human blood. Only animal. Mostly."

"Interesting. Young one. Are you not curious as to what I am?" she asked. Noting how surprisingly calm this young lady was. She suspected she might be pretty young. Most of the younger vampire generation had never met her kind before.

"Werewolf," Serafina answered.

"Yes," the woman nodded with surprise, "are you not going to attack me now? We're mortal enemies. Your kings wouldn't like this behavior."

"Why haven't you attacked me yet?" Serafina asked.

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