Chapter 8 | Why should you ?

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"Nqo Nqo !! Is any body home ?"

I know that voice ! It's khosi.

She's standing in the foryer with two black Woolies bags inside in both her hands as she looks around.

"Khosi ? Hy I didn't expect you to be here."

I greet her as i walk to the foryer with a smile on my face. Because i am happy to see anybody else other than my help.

"Look at you, being a royal wife and everything ?"
She says as she wraps her arms around me.

She has on a yellow channel summer dress with white Christian dior slides displaying her perfect padicured toes. I take one of the bags from her.

"Oh please, nothing has changed about me."

"Except for the ring ?"
She says as she excitedly grabs my left hand and she casts it to the sun and her mouth falls open before she looks at me again.

"Woman you have a whole mortgage on your hand. Look at the size of that thing."

"It's not that exciting Khosi, it's just a ring."

"Kabo that's Cartier."

She says as she giggles and she fans herself.

"I didn't even have my ring imported, mine was locally sourced and designed, there was no special nton nton for it, and was probably about a mere million... "

"A million khosi ?"

"Yes a million, if you ask me I feel like Mandla should have rewarded me with a bigger ring for the shit his family has put me through, If I had known I'd had demanded more."

She says as she starts to walk to the kitchen and she unpacks the bags.

It's champaign bottles in the other, and snacks in the one that i am holding.

She moves around the counter and she comes back with two flutes before she grabs my bag and the bottles of champagne and she leads me to the lounge that over looks into the outdoor area which also conveniently has a chiller.

How many times has she been here ?
She's maneuvering her way around the house so effortlessly and I still get lost till this day.

She opens the champagne before she takes her flute and she fills it to the brim. She takes a long long long sip without breaks until the glass is empty and she burps before snapping her tongue.
She takes the bottle again pours herself another glass before she finally fills my glass and she looks at me and she smiles.

"Are you okay ?"

I ask and she swats her hand away from me as flakes me off.

"Who me ? I'm splendid, Im perfect."

I tilt my head at her and I stare into her eyes.

"I know how all of this can get tough, trust me I know what you've been through and I've only been here for four weeks. I can only imagine how eight years is like."

She sighs before she grabs her flute and she takes a sip.

"They want Mandla to take a second wife."


"That's uh ? That's heavy, do you want him to ?"

"I don't think I am strong enough to handle another woman again."
She says as she puts the glass on the coffee table and she strokes her sixteen inch well groomed and straightened weave back.

The Black The white and the grey.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat