Chapter 9 | A pinch of pleasure.

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I watch as Mandla lifts Khosi into his arms ,out of the lounge and out of the house before Siya closes the door behind them and he turns to look at me again and I stare at him too.

I have nothing to say to this man.

"I'm going to take a bath."

I tell him as I turn around and I start to walk up the stairs and unlike everyday he doesn't follow behind me.

I change out of my clothes and into my gown and I walk out of my room straight towards his.

I open the door and I stop by the door as I take in his room.

It's nice.

I definitely never expected it to be this... neutral. I expected dark walls and dark linens and bold masculine furniture to match, I never expected white linen, oak furniture and statement pieces. This Is the type of room that any interior designer would live for.

I move further into his room towards the bathroom and I finally find the tub.

I've always wanted to do this again. I've always wanted to immerse myself in warm water and have my head rise above familiar scented bubbles.

I love it and I hate that I almost ruined this for myself.

I move further into the bathroom and I open the hot water faucet before I start to pour my bath salts and bath bombs as steam rises from the water.

I don't wait for the water to fill the tub I hop in when I feel that the water is full enough and I relax beneath the water.
The hot water makes my skin itch a little in a more or less soothing sensation, and I can't help but confess that this familiar sensation of pain and pleasure makes me happy. It makes me feel at home, like my life is supposed to be this exact feeling. No overall pleasure just pain with a pinch of pleasure.

I relax against the tub and I lean my head over the edge and I close my eyes.

I hear his footsteps stops at the door and I open my eyes and I look at him.

He has his hand inside of his pocket and the other wrapped around a half filled glass of brown liquor.

The wrists of his shirt folded up his fore arm revealing his veiny arms.

He moves further into his bathroom before he pulls a a stool that was seated next to the vanity next to the tub and essentially closer to me.

"Relax, I'd never put you In a position where the whole world would know you as the prince who had his wife wheeled out in a silver body bag out of their home..."
I tell and I see his eyes drop before he looks away from me and he takes a sip of his drink and he purses his lips as he processes the drink down his throat and his lips return a bright matte pink.

I love when he does this.

I move my hand from under the water and I reach for his glass.
He gives me a little stare before he reaches the glass over to me too.

"It's quiet strong."
He tells me before he leans on his knees with his elbows and he stares at me.

I take a sip of his drink and my buds are instantly overwhelmed by the amount of alcohol in this thing and I cough a few times.

"Oh that is strong."
I tell him as I see him smile at me a little before he reaches for the drink again and he takes another sip.

We both go quiet as I lean back against the tub and I stare at him while he stares at me.

This man. This man is force of nothing short of a mystery. But behind all of that behind this facade that he is keeping I see somebody else, someone that my heart tells me that they're worth getting to know.

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