Chapter 16 | "Shopping."

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Lavender fresh scent. Heavy drops of water echoing from the bathroom and a slight breeze that flows soothingly into his room.

Waking up in his bed feels different, I haven't slept in my bed in three days and I haven't felt out of place since the first night. I feel comfortable, I feel at home and I feel safe. And in his arms at night I feel untouchable.

The gentle squeezes, the little pecks and even gentle Carasses on my body make me yearn for more and right now I feel bare all over again, like him being this far away is a taboo on its own.

And let me remind you, I've only been married to him for  two months now.

Its the third morning that I am spending In his bed and every morning I'd wish that it would never turn into day.
I think this is the only thing that has made me look foward to something positive since the incident with Mandlas mother.
I can't seem to shake away the look of distraught on Khosis face.
She looked trapped and tired. And the minute I sit with my thoughts alone all I think about is her. It was better knowing that I was worried with the possibility of her being in healthy shape but that image alone-


"Huh ?"

I jump to answer him as I turn my head to stare at him at the entrance of the bathroom. With nothing but a towel wrapped around his lower half and his well toned body on display. Six well toned packs and thick Biceped arms.

Water droplets rest beautifully on his broad chest and his torso that make me jealous and make me wish that I should be the one to have the chance to lay there at this instant.

Get a grip Kabo.

"What is it ?"

I ask as I clear my throat and i stare into his eyes now. He moves from the bathroom door and he slowly walks towards me on the bed with his eyes glued to mine.

"I don't like It when you get caught up in your head like that."

"I just can't stop thinking about Khosi."

I tell him and he sighs before he sits down on the bed and he faces me.

"Khosi will reach out soon, maby she's just not ready to accept help yet... maby she wants to do this on her own."

"But It's clear that she's trapped in her own home. Mandlas mother is holding her hostage in that place."

"Mandlas mother may be many things but to hold someone hostage ? Is a bit extreme."

He says and I sigh. He knows her better than I do.

"She'll reach out, let's just focus on getting you better."

"That's all that we've been doing, focusing on me, surely you have things going on for you. What' about you and Mandla ?"

"Mandla and I are in an awkward position for obvious reasons but one thing I know for sure is that we'll bounce back from this."

"But are you okay ?"

I ask and he nods his head at me.

"I'm okay."
He responds and he nods his head at me.

"I have people willing to make investments in your NGO and their waiting to see business plans as in ASAP. You have a lot that you need to focus on right now Entle. I know that your hurting but Khosi knows what to do."

"I just hope it's not too late."

"Khosi can make everything come to a standstill even time."
I'm smiling now.

The Black The white and the grey.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin