Chapter 12 | I'll be here.

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"If they ask you questions that you feel uncomfortable about what do you say ?"

"Jabu... I have everything under control"

I respond as my stylist continues to roll the lint remover all over my outfit and I look at her and she furrows her brows at me.

"You tell them that you have everything under control ?"
She asks.

"Why does it seem like I'm the one that's more stressed about this than you are ?"
She says as throws my pages on the coffee table.

"Because you are. I do have this under control. And besides Siya is going to be doing all of the talking and my job is just to stand beside him and look pretty."
I tell her and she smiles at me.

"What ?"
I ask and she shakes her head while she continues to smile.

"You and the prince seem to be doing well off late."

I stare at the bouquet of roses on my dressing table and I look at Jabu again.
He had these delivered for me this morning. Today is the day for our first public appearance since the coronation.

We are scheduled to make a visit at three orphanages today, it's the first time that we are going to be out in Public together and infront of the press. We had done countless of media practice and have been walked through the ways that we have to conduct ourselves in public.

It's been two weeks since we had the discussion about our arrangement and two weeks since we "started on a new state." And so far, things have been going smoothly, we have been co existing and he has been doing nothing but handling me with care and showing me nothing but support and for a change I feel taken care off, I feel like a little weight is being shed of my shoulders and it feels good. So far he hasn't shown me a side of him that I don't like.

"Yeah, we're doing okay."

"Does this mean that we'll be seeing a little one soon ?"

"Noooo, oh gosh no. Definitely no. And don't get your hopes up about babies, I'm not sure if I want one of those yet."

"But what about the prince, does he not want any children?"

"Jabu who's the one that will have to carry that baby in their belly for close to a year?"

She raises her arms up in surrender.

"All I am saying is that, I think that this is conversation that you should be having with the prince. A conversation about your future together not just for now. You need to secure it before somebody else snatches it from you."
She says before she moves away from me and finally out of the room, leaving my head in yet another mangle moose.

I know for a fact that those woman would not hesitate on finding a replacement for me if I don't uphold my duty to their throne. And that's another that makes me hesitant a little more as well, is how soon will they be willing to intervene as soon as they see that I'm not willing to pop out a baby for them yet.

I'm not ready to become a mother yet, I am still looking to find my ground and I am still yet to achieve certain things in my life. I am married to a man that I barely know and yet his family and everybody else expects me to pop out a baby for them so soon ? No I am not giving anybody a baby.

I  look at myself one last time in the mirror and I grab my bag and I go downstairs to the kitchen and I find him standing behind the counter, eating cereal while he watches something on his laptop, dressed in formal and looking as handsome as always.

I greet as I put my purse on the island and he turns his head to stare at me.

He greets back as he puts his bowl on the island, still just staring.

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