Chapter 37 | Belgian tradition.

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"So like the Belgian tradition we share a drink over the seal of the deal."
Roberto says with his French accent thick on his tongue as he opens a bottle of scotch and he fixes each of us a glass.

"The production numbers seem to be going well, i am happy."
I tell him as he hands me my glass of scotch and I take a sip.

"It makes me happy to hear you say that because in a few hours we're expecting to repackage your finished products and ship them off to your designated distributors."

"It's relieving to hear you say because I'd been a bit anxious about the release of our recent diamond."

"Oh the beauty that came in last week ? I was astonished by the size of that thing, I've had people calling me all the way Great Britain asking if you'd put be putting on the market."

"Not this one Unfortunately... my uhh. My wife and I just recently found out that we're pregnant a few days ago and I'd decided that instead of putting it on the market I'd give it to her as a push present."

"That's good news."

I tell him as a small smile creeps up on his face and I smile at him too.

"You seem to be getting a hang of this marriage thing."

"Yeah I had no choice, I had to pull up my socks, more than anything I am happy thus far and i am excited for our future."

"I'm glad to hear you say that, infact I am happy to hear you see you this genuinely excited for your future."

"Come on, I've always been happy about my future."

"Only when your numbers went up."

He states and I chuckle at him before he smiles at me too

He's right.

"It's always good to see you again Roberto."

"We're happy that your satisfied with our services, your our key client so it's our priority to ensure that your happy."

"I like the sound of that, but i hope you know that you and I are past formalities we've been doing business for the past twelve years now I trust your work."

"I need to make sure that your happy as my Client before anything else."

"I admire your work ethic Roberto and I can only hope that we'd keep it this way."

He states and I nod my head at him as I take another sip of this finely crafted liquor.

"Look Pierre just opened another club downtown, how about we share a drink or two, to celebrate."
I look at our glasses for an obvious statement and he shakes his head at me.

"One more then you can go back home to the wife, this Belguim for f***k sakes."

I throw my head back and I laugh as I shake my head at him.

"One more drink wouldn't hurt."

"That's what I am talking about."
He exclaims.


The music from the club is booming from the outside as woman in skimpy clothing tipsily walk out of the club with bottles of champagne and vodka in their hands.

It's a weekday and I don't understand how people can get this wasted.

I follow Roberto into the club and as soon as we walk In loud music envelopes us as the smell of sex and alcohol floods the air as people litter the dance floor.

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