Chapter 20 | Beyonce's Uggz.

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"Ipeleng, are your clothes comfortable enough, perhaps we could get for fresh pair if those ones are a bit too tight for you ?"

"Do I look like I am uncomfortable in these clothes ma ?"

"No no no... I mean yes ?"
She jumps and I look at Entle for help and she only shrugs her shoulders. And i sigh as i look away from the both of them.

I'm tired of this.

"Mah these clothes are perfectly fine with me I have enough room and their comfortable."

She says as she steps away from me and she looks at Entle again.

She still doesn't think the clothes that I am wearing are okay.
Entle moves closer towards me and she stands next to me.

"Mah I think that the clothes he's wearing aren't really that bad. If Siya feels that he's comfortable in them then who are we to say otherwise ?"

She says as she turns to look at my mother. Who's still convinced that the onezie she brought here would be better suited for me. I am not getting in that thing.

"Okay, but just know that there's always better options for you Ipeleng."

"I know mah and thank you for this. I really appreciate it."
I tell her and she gives me a little smile before picks up her bag.

"I'll be waiting for you both in the waiting room."
She says before she moves out of the room and she closes the door behind her.

I sit on the bed as I feel my ankle start to give out and I look at Entle again.

Ever since I came back out from the shaft she's been a bit distanced emotionally but she's definitely been present for me more than ever. The first face I saw when I opened my eyes was hers and for once I was glad to be back to safety and back at her side again. I've missed her and the only face that kept popping in and out of my consciousness was hers and the only person that I kept thinking about while I was down there was her. Nobody else but her and this is the first time that we've ever been alone since I got here.

She looked unrecognizable. Her skin was pale with black under eyes beneath her eyes and she hadn't taken a bath in a few days. Refused to eat and refused to leave my side untill I woke up even when everybody else kept trying to make her feel better but she wouldn't hear any of it.

But she looks better now. She looks rested and she looks like she's getting back to her old self. And a part of me feels horrible that I put her through this. I put her through the unimaginable and lord knows what my family put her through too and for her to be standing infront of me like this shows me that she's a fighter, just like me.

I see her eye brows furrow and her bottom lip starts to tremble before she looks at me again.

Her mask is finally breaking.

"I was so scared Siya. I thought that you'd never come back."

"Come here."

I tell her and she moves to stand between my legs and I wrap my arms around her waist, resting just above her gifted behind. My mind shifts focus for a few seconds at the thought of that but I quickly straighten my thoughts, now isn't the time.

She wraps her arms around me my shoulders and she stares down at me. Tears, snot and everything.

I move my eyes all over her face as I take in her beautiful features.

My wife is honestly the most gorgeous woman on this earth and nobody can tell me otherwise.
She has the most perfect lips and the most beautiful eyes that I could stare at every second of the day. And a heart just as beautiful.

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