Chapter 50 | Gellato.

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"Okay Banzi, we are going to have to compromise okay, you cant have them both."

"Baba always lets me have anything."

"Well he's not here and it's just us, so we have work with what we have."

"But I want them both."
He says as his eyes form a sad expression.

"Banzi, you know how at your old school you had to wear what the school needs you to wear ? It's the same as this one, except with this one the uniform is completely different but it's still a uniform so we need to abide by the dress code, so wearing one white sock and one blue sock won't cut, it's either you wear white or blue but you can't have them both."

I explain and he stares at me for a few moments before he looks at his feet again.

"Is this new school nice ?"
He asks and I crouch down to his level as he also stares into my eyes.

"Uhm, it's a great school... it's really nice and I think you'd love it, the kids there are really nice too. There are lots of sports for you to do too."

"Are you coming with me ?"
He asks and I giggle at him and I shake my head at him before I gently brush his little head.

"No, but I'll be there to get you back from school in the afternoon."

"What about Baba ?"

"I'll try and talk to him."
I tell him and he nods his head again before he looks at his little sisters bassinet, who only continues to eat away at her fist quietly.

"Can Nyezi come with ?"

"Of course she can come with and she can also be there when we fetch you from school."

He says he smiles at me, dimples, pink cheeks and all things cute.

"I think I'll wear the white ones today, white for good luck."
He says as he takes them from my hand and he moves to put them on.

I gather up Nkanyezi into a cloth baby carrier after I plump up my make up and I grab her bag before I go downstairs to have breakfast with Lubanzi.

Siya left early for work following an emergency about yet another Zama Zama uprise who pose a danger to his miners because they continue to make attacks and make Illegal shafts to access the diamonds that they are currently mining.
And as a result of those illegal shafts that caused the previous shaft to once collaps early this year, it's a lot and I can only imagine what he must be going through on that end. Although it's taking up a lot of our family time I have to stay home and hold the fort down this side.

Once we are done with breakfast Nkululeko drives us to Banzis new school. When we park at the schools drop of zone it's a really long que to entrance of the school, parents accompanying their children while having arguments about forgotten home works, lost school jersey and last minute projects.

It's a lot.  But in the middle of all of that I love the diversity, I love that most of these children are not rich kids but rather Normal class families and I didn't want Banzi to feel out of place, I wanted him to fit in still keeping his identity on the down low, he's new to this life and I am not trying to overwhelm him with what comes with it. This is a government school but still preserves a lot of order and governance, it's so well maintained and the school board assured us that they give good quality education and state of the art facilities. With Banzi and my brothers boys I learned that private school education is not always the best.

He walks beside me while we manuever around the corridors of the school and the older pupils stop and stare, the ones who know who I am. The look at the baby in my chest whom I've hidden with a blanket while she takes her beauty rest and a Lubanzi who's tightly clasping onto my hand.

The Black The white and the grey.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora