Chapter 46 | A prince's tail.

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"Are you sure this is it ?"

He asks as he turns the engine off and he turns his body to look at me and I nod my head.

I am sure. I tell him as I look ahead at the dilapidated house that's barely stood infront of us.
He sighs a little in uncertainty before he gets out of the van and he comes to help me out.

I am nine months pregnant, already the baby has gotten a lot heavier than I had expected and I am due any day and I am severely scared for what that day might bring me besides my bouncing baby girl.

I pull my cardigan to close when the wind gets a little too harsh and Siya comes to wrap his arm around me as she we move towards the house.
When we make it to the door a man from the distance heading cows calls out to us.

He runs over the hill in his plastic gumboots some navy blue over all pants and a torn ANC T shirt.
As soon as he recognizes us he takes off his hat and he bows.

"There's no need for that."
Siya stops him when he starts to go on his knees nd the man smiles at us when he steps back with his hands respectfully clasped together.

"We are looking for Vusi Mhlongo, do you by any chance know where he is ?"

I ask and he raises his head.

"I am Vusi Mhlongo."
As soon as he says this I look at Siya In relief while he continues to stare at him.

"Are you by any chance related to Natasha? Natasha Mhlongo?"
He asks.

"We are cousins, Natasha's mother is my aunt. She was my mother's sister."

"You said was... Is she deceased ?"

"Yes, she died last year from breast cancer."

"And Natasha where is she ?"

"Over seas , no one knows where she is. She didn't even come down to bury her mother."
He explains and I sigh myself.

"And the child ? Her young boy do you perhaps know where he is ?"

"What do you want with him ?"

"We want to meet him."

"With all due respect your highnesses but if this had to do with my nephew then I guess I am only going to ask you to give me more information."

Siya looks down, looks at me before he looks at him again.

"Eight years ago, I got into relationship with your cousin and she fell pregnant just before we broke up, moved back home after learning about the pregnancy. She denied the child ever being mine but I never verified this myself which is why i am here today..."

The man nods his head for a few moments before he leads us into his small mud house and he offers us a bench.

Near the fire that's placed in the middle of the house, between his makeshift kitchen and bathroom are two cutluries. A make shift bed that's laid out on the floor with multiple blankets and a small wardrobe with plastic bath tubs ontop of a wooden table and near the head of the bed I see a pair of takkies, a small pair of takkies. Just one and their torn and old.

"Apologies your highnesses, I didn't think that I'd have any visitors today."
He says as he brings out a bench for us to sit on but it's only big enough for one person.

Siya puts out the bench for me to sit on while he stands at my side for a little while and the man rolls out a thatch Matt for Siya and he sits with his knees up next to me and the man takes a seat flat on the floor.

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