Chapter 18 | Im okay.

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Kabo Entle.

"Any updates ?"

I ask anxiously for the millionth time even though I know that there aren't any updates so far.

It's been the same news since the news about Gumede diamonds came out. His brothers kept me from going to the shaft, claimed that it wouldn't be conducive for me to be out there right now, especially with the press and the chaos that's happening all around the site trying to recover those that have been trapped.

The rescue team officials claimed that the place that Siya and his executives are trapped in is at high risk of collapsing again should they try to work their way inside. At that point I didn't want to hear any of it, I told them to get a second opinion and a third opinion even a fourth opinion, I did not care how much it would cost us, money is not a factor all I care about is getting my husband back to me and the longer we stood around trying to circle around back and forth is the more we lose guarantee of their lives.
Their currently running on less than fourteen hours of oxygen at this point and it has been well over twenty four hours since the shaft collapsed.

"Look, he is strong, I know that he's going to pull through."

"They are five kilometers beneath the ground. It's fifty degrees down there and there's barely any oxygen Anele."

"You need to be positive Kabo. He's a smart and resourceful man, he's probably made a means for oxygen right now, I'm sure there are emergency oxygen tanks down there that they can use in case of an emergency as more back up."

"And what if he's injured or worse he's already dead."
I start to cry again at that thought and she pulls me closer as the fear of losing him actually becomes real.

I might actually lose Siya tonight.

I haven't slept a wink, and I've cried myself to a headache yet again.
Anele hasn't left my side since it happened and I am grateful, she abandoned her family for me.

"He's not dead."

She says and I only nod my head at her but I can't really be as hopeful as she is right now. As the hours go by its every minute that I spend in agony wondering if all of this is just in vain. Me being in denial like this and the DNA results from the recovered bodies haven't even come back yet and there's still a possibility that he might be already dead.

"I think I just need a moment alone Nelly."

"Okay... I'll be in the other room."

She tells me before she brushes my hair back and she leaves the lounge.
I get up from my blankets and I make my way to Siyas room, I grab one of the shirts that he's worn recently and I move into his bed with it.

I hold it close to my chest and close enough to my nose just so it feels like he's In my arms and i continue to watch the live feed that is broadcasted on the TV and I hate that the press is all over this. I hate that I can't even have a moment to myself to process what's happening. Our whole street is filled with journalists camping outside of our house waiting to catch something. Waiting to catch the first few moments of my husband's death.


"Nana ?"

"Nana ?"
Somebody's shaking me.

I open my eyes hoping to be met my his peach skin and patient eyes again instead I am met by brothers. And he doesn't even call me by this name.

"Abuti is Siya back home ?"
I ask and he only shakes his head at me and my heart starts to sting again.

The live feed reads seven hours of oxygen left and their still actively trying to recover them.

"I just want Siya to come back to me Abuti."

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