Chapter 25 | Spank me.

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A grab a glass of champagne from one of the waiters that have continued to pass around fancy refreshments and I release a slight sigh.
As I wonder off into my head again.

To be honest I am over this event and I just want to go home and cuddle my husband.
Call me delusional but nothing is going to change despite Saneles attempt to have me doubt my trust in my Siya. I believe in him way more than I should and it scares me sometimes how I've become the exact same woman that I had feard becoming for some reason.

One thing that I've taken to head from Siyas aunts is that I shouldn't let people get inside our marriage. That part I won't deny, I value that a lot more now and I value what Siya and I have more and I won't let anybody ruin this for me, not when I've come this far.
Even with this being so it doesn't mean that I am willing to put myself through hell all for the sake of marriage.

She calls as she gently brushes her hand on my bare shoulder and she sits next to me, pulling me out of my raving thoughts and i can't help but smile at her when I feel my heart ease up, she's just what I need right now.

"Hi ma."
I greet her again for the second time tonight.

"Are you okay ? you look stressed ?"
Her brows are furrowed in worry and her eyes are scanning for any signs of distress but I only shake my head at her.

"No im okay mama. I'm just really tired but I can't really tell Siya that I want to leave because he seems to be enjoying himself and like he always says, he's providing for us."

"By charming old rich men into investing in his business ? If were you I'd wait this one out, those men will afford you sixty burkin bags by the end of tonight."
She says as she looks at Siya who's in the middle of the circle of men who seem to be listening to him only on that table. The way their so attentive you'd swear that he has them under a spell.
But that's Siyabonga Gumede for you. Every room that he walks into he commands respect and that's exactly what's happening on that table.

"I hate that I find you right."
I sulk and she starts to laugh along with me.

"You look really beautiful tonight. Absolutely stunning."

"You don't look too bad myself mah."

"In this old thing ?"

"Doesn't seem old to me ?"

I joke and she laughs again.

"We should go out sometime, have lunch or even breakfast ?"

"I think I'd really love that, plus I've been so swamped with work, recruitment and getting the NGO up and running and the homes renovated, PR, all the while i am trying to be a present wife my head has been all over the place, I really need this."

She smiles at me and I release a sigh as I take another sip of my wine.

"It can't all be that bad."

"It's not bad, it's just too much work "

"Surely Ipeleng can help."

"Ipeleng has his own affairs to deal with and he's already done a lot for me thus far."

"That's understandable, but he should be the first person that you run too when you need help and right now you sound like you need it."

"No, I have everything covered mah. I know I can do this alone."
She smiles at before she tilts her head at me.

"I know...Your one of the strong ones."
I smile at her and I look down at my hands

"If you need an extra pair of hands I'm always available."

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