Chapter 23 | The thing.

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I straighten out my weave a little before making sure that i have no loose strands and I put my straightener back down, turning it off, I don't want to find my house on fire.

I powder up my nose and I add one little smudge of my contour and I close my pallete again. I spray my setting spray and I grab my heels, Making my way down stairs bare foot where my husband is waiting for me in his third favorite place in our house after his whisky bar, eating away at something.

As soon as I step into the kitchen his eyes moves along my body silently, pauses at my chest before he looks at me and he takes a sip of his juice.

"Are you ready ?"

"Yeah, there's just one more thing that I'd like to do before we leave."

"Okay then you better get it done soon i don't want your mother at scolding us..."

I tell him as I put my shoes down and I put my earrings on and he zones out for a bit.

"What's wrong ?"
I ask as I move a little closer to him.

"It's just that... are you really sure that this is what you want to do ? Seeing my family again after everything?"

"Love, I don't have problem with your parents. I love your mother and I love your father too. It's just his other wife and his sister that I am struggling to get used too."

"We don't have to do this."

"Are you trying to get me to miss church?"

"No, just want to make sure that your comfortable. Patricia said that it would be help if you wouldn't be around those people."

"Those people are your family."

"Not anymore."


"Entle please. I get to make the decisions that i feel are what's best for our family, and right now my family is affecting our marriage."

"Siya, you don't have to do this. I am working through what happened with Patricia."

"I've already made this decision."
He cuts and I keep quiet again and I release a sigh.

"Thank you for standing up for me."
I tell him and he gives me a small smile.

"Don't worry about it."
I give him a small smile and Iron out the invincible crease from my dress.

"And on other news, do you remember that art curator from Capetown that I told you about ?"

I ask and he only continues to stare at me cluelessly while I lose my marbles in excitement as I remember the stages of joy that I went through last night all over again, but only he doesn't seem to acknowledge this and he stares at me like I'm crazy.

"Peloyame Sibeko !"
I tell him and only then does it seem to click in his head.

"Oh yeah, her. I remember her."

"She emailed me and said that she's interested in being part of the NGO."
I squeal and I see him start to smile at me.

I'm really happy about how things are coming together. I have social services on board like I had planned and I've bagged seven investors already apart from Siyas enterprises and now a big public figure like her. I'm so excited.

"That's big love. I'm really proud of you."
He says and I do a min jump.

"Im so excited. I've always dreamed of owning something big like this and here it is coming together. I've been contacted by a few bloggers already that are interested in being on my team and those woman from the high tea party are lining up as well and Aneles influence on this is really doing a lot for the brand..."

The Black The white and the grey.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz