Chapter 37-Jeopardy

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My head and body were heavy beyond my energy capacity in such a manner that I could barely move. If I wasn't numb then I was paralysed.

I struggled to at least roll over, when I noticed a cold liquid running down my lips.

I brought my shaky feeble left hand against my nose and noticed a warm liquid flowing.

Then that my vision was getting better I glimpsed at my index finger and noticed that it was blood, red and warm. I rubbed it with the back of my hand wishing it to get off but instead I felt it spread around my nose, some part around my mouth, and all around my hand.

I forced my body into a seating position my back against a wall. Opening my eyes weakly, I decided to assess the room.

Isabella was lying catatonic on the floor. I tried to utter her name but my tongue was way too heavy to move.

"Hey, T are you okey?" The voice was indistinct but I could tell that it was Camilla's by the weak smell of her rose perfume muffled with sweat.

"Yeah... I'm fine... What just happened?" I quizzed trying to be audible enough, but all that came out were whispers.

"She passed out, we should go and get some help."

After jumping I was slapped unconsciously, but I had given him a nice cut. One that was good enough to weaken him. Camilla did the decapitating after Isabella was hit and passed out.

Camilla had checked Isabella's pulse, and luck enough she was still alive.

Camilla gave me a hand in getting on my feet. Stumbling a few dizzy steps, I regained balance though I didn't quite feel as strong.

The man in black's head was somewhere near the door. his body across the room. Camilla did an impressive job, and one that would be a sure way that he was dead. Unless he was a zombie, there would be no way he would get up from there.

We both raised Isabella and carried her unconscious. Camilla hugged her on the left while I did the same on the right.

We took the stairs occasionally tripping and almost falling but putting our best feet forward, we made it to the gate.

That would be the last place on earth any one would even dream of driving close to at night. The heavy mist, drizzling, and pitch darkness accompanying each other would be a great combination of getting lost or having a dreadful accident encounter.

In the nick of time, from the far right of the road a white eerie light beamed at us and it was closing. Seemingly, it was a motorcycle or a person with a touch, but the closer it got we realized that it was a truck but with one light dead.

It was an aged, vintage, I couldn't tell if it was a red one or it was brown my eyes were too weak to differentiate, and it seemed like it was missing some parts like the bonnet and one side mirror. Basically it looked miserable, but bergers should not be choosers. I thought for myself.

"Help, help!" Camilla raised a thumb in front of it.

It halted with a disturbing screech.

"Hop in the back," a voice from the front seat roared. It sounded a little scratchy but this was no time to judge.

Camilla climbed first leaving all of Isabella's weight on me. Opening the tailgate, she pulled Isabella inside, and I followed.

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