Chapter 10-Noah

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I jumped off the high seat determined to meet the enigmatic person. Wading across the crowd, I lost sight and suddenly he was gone.


I sprang creped out swiveling my head to see the caller.

Noah was the one shouting above the loud music. He gave me a look like he had been calling me a hundred times. Raising one of his brows.

"Is everything all right?" He enquired swiveling his head towards the direction where my eyes were doubling confirming whether the guy was still there squinting trying to figure what I was looking at.

The man in a black coat was gone. Just like the first time. He had vanished into thin air.

I scanned the entire radius and he was no where to be found. Not even a trace of him was left behind. What was more eerie was the fact that, even the people who were around him didn't seem to have seen him. He had appeared and disappeared just like the wind.

"Are you even listening?" Noah who had been talking to himself for a while quizzed.

I returned my gauze to him "What were you saying?"

"I was asking if Isabella came."

"I don't know, but she loves parties she must be somewhere. You just have to find her."

I hadn't actually communicated with her but I was certain she would be there.

Knowing the whereabout of Wade could help me avoid him. I thought before Noah had gone to find his crush. "Aah have you seen Wade?"

"Yeah, but I'm not sure where he is. He is in white short," he smirked taking his leave.

White short meant that he might have been in a swimming pool. If there was any or something.

Some part of me wanted to see him but some other part was afraid of him. It was like whispers of sweet romance verses melodies of evil.

The counter was still serving slow, and my seat had already been occupied. There wasn't a 'go explore' in my party scheduled but I decided to do it.

I maneuvered through the crowd for any random hallway, where I saw some stumbling teenagers heading for, to go explore the voluminous ville. I did want to see him, but I didn't want him to glare at me in the same cold manner.

The teenagers had vanished along the hallways, but go explore meant starting from scrap.

The house seemed like a well kempt one if not new. It seemed like one that had been kept under high care.

The brown well curved walls took to my attention. Soft textured with a faint smell of wet mahogany. Astonishing art paints mounted on each side of the walls. Each not more than two steps apart.

Most paintings were to do with nature. Waterfalls, flowers, rising or setting of the sun, colourful trees, lush lawn, mountain peaks. Each painting was more mesmerizing than the previous one.

The vinyl floor below my feet matched the huge golden-frilled glowing chandelier at the top.

How I took corners, only my feet knew. I found myself lost in marvel of the arts and the architecture of the hallways.

The noise ahead of me brought back my attention. There was a swimming pool ahead.

I yanked the almost invisible glass door, which I had embarrassingly banged my head on, open and snuck in.

The pool was bluish with some glowing lights inside. Floating balloons all around with some teenagers playing volleyball at one side of it. Surrounded by half naked girls most holding plastic tumblers screaming, frolicking and shouting like mad people dancing to the beat.

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