Chapter 29-Art Book

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A week or two later after MM had filed a case against the orphanage, a secret intelligence agent was sent to spy on the orphanage due to the rumors that had been erupting from around that town. He was kinda young, so he was a perfect act for an underaged orphan.

He didn't have to do thorough investigation to know that the kids were going through hell. It clearly displayed itself from the moment he was rudely invited into the orphanage by the worst of the nuns. Dimitri. She was popularly known for mistreating us through both physical and emotional means. She made the orphanage feel like nothing less than a prison. The place we were supposed to call home, was a duplicate of hell just without the exaggerated burning sulphur.

The orphanage was one day ambushed and all the nuns locked behind bars, but Dimitri. She vanished and never to be seen nor heard of again. 

All the kids were taken to different homes, and sponsored by the government to different school in the country.

Later on, Cole received a scholarship to our school and had been there for over a month. The voluminous number of students made it hard for him to know that I was there, and he also hadn't a clue either that I was there. Unlucky for him he had just met his death. Hugging out with me was suicide. I was then to start counting hours for him before he was butchered.

He was not yet dead during lunchtime. How delighted I was to see him once again. I guessed he couldn't get murdered in public, not in a school with such a vast number of students partitioning themselves in every corner of the school compound.

He sat with us around the same table to tell us more stories. Actually, I was the one requesting for them. They brought back some of the only glowing memories I had in the orphanage.

Plus I wanted to see him as many times as I could before, well, I really prayed for it not to happen but I knew it would and I was helpless against it.

I felt bad when one of his friends borrowed him from us for a second. They didn't even walk far. Just a few steps away and murmured whatever they wanted to say.

My ears were accidentally eavesdropping on them. They were talking about some things to do with a school project.

"T, I think I have an idea," I didn't like the tone nor the sayer, Isabella. The intonation and volume sounded nothing but evil.


"We should use him as beit."

I was about to open my mouth and ask who but her eying on Cole answered my question. A second before an arguing thought struck, she added, "he sure will die you know."

I had been trying to fight that thought away for the whole day but Isabella amplified it, making me feel exposed.

Sometimes sacrifices are worth it. I really wished that sacrifice would be included in the 'sometimes' list.

"How?" Camilla enquired in my place.


We convinced him to keep us company during detention time, and he accepted. He said that he needed some extra time to do some research on his projects, so he borrowed some books from the library.

That week's detention class teacher was a little strict, so even though Cole sat next to me we didn't talk. I had a lot to share with him, but the old lady behind huge eye glasses seated in front of the class occasionally eyed us. At least I felt Cole's warmth besides me, and I knew that he was still alive.

He placed a book in his desk, and presumingly it was a book to do with his project. He opened it at the page of content the tip of his index finger grazing up and down the page to a specific point. He then riffled the book open.

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