Chapter 14-Detention Or Expulsion

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She turned, and immediately started toddling back to her office expecting us to follow her. Which we did.

Swarmed with fear, I followed my clique which was still somehow scuffling with the rivaling clique. If not with their ugly sneers, then with pushing each other.

Mrs Clara place her thumb on the biometric lock pad. It chimed gently, the glass door delicately sliding open, a green light blinking simultaneously somewhere slightly above the door.

She then ushered us all in one by one matching like criminals.

The office was quite a mess. A small toy sized replica of the school flag had found its way to the floor, books and files scattered all over her desk, a dingy curtain covering the window behind her, and some soil that might have come from a flower pot, who's flower was dead and was on one of the shelves with school medals, on the floor.

Closing the door behind her, she took her seat.

There were only two seats opposite her's which Isabella and Gwen had already given themselves. As the rest of us stood behind them.

There was still a little chattering between ourselves until Mrs Clara cleared her throat to gain our attention.

"Can someone please explain to me what happened in the cafeteria!" She exclaimed.

Giving a close eye on her, I noticed that she was messed up like myself. Below the mascara around her eyes, hid a hallow, and heavy bags below her eyes slightly hidden by her glasses.

Gwen explained to her in the shittiest way possible. If it would have been a two weeks suspension, then make that an expulsion. That was her side of the story. Isabella's side of the story was way worse. It sounded fictional and almost an alien story. If Mrs Clara believed her then she must have been on drugs or something.

The two stories were a total contrast, polar opposite so there was an argument, and a lot of drama. Mrs Clara just glanced at us and said nothing until we realized how stupid we seemed.

Her next wordings would be holding my future, so if she would give an expulsion then x any scholarship coming my way or any further education.

Did Isabella consider any of that?

"Is that you Taylor?"

She knew me back when I was a performer in sophomore.

I grinned sheepishly.

"You look like you escaped a mental asylum."

I chuckled at the goofy remark. I was well informed about that by the washroom's mirror.

Gwen added on the remark something inaudible that only her clique guffawed at. It must have been an insult.

She grunted, rubbing the bridge her nose with the tip of her index finger and thumb, then clinched a feast on her desk with a little groan. "All of you have received a two weeks detention. From today!"

I had never been more relieved. I was an inch from losing my whole future educational life.

I sighed a little from the inside.

"All of you will share the same room and solve whatever it is between you," she went silent for a second, "now see the roof of my office, please," she pointed at the door.

The bombardment at the door was more like another fight, "make that four weeks," she shouted from her office before we had walked too far.

"Isa'bella!" I shouted at Isabella scuttling after her, a few steps from the principle's office.

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