Chapter 6-Relenting Hand

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He followed my body movement his eyes darting all around my body like I was prey and he was the predator.

Cold, sinister, devilish, demonic, depressing, hypnotizing, stomach churning, unnerving was how his glare felt like. Like some creepy sharp hands crawling all over my skin piercing me in each step they took. Tearing my skin to rags.

I felt rooted on the spot like glued in a way that I could barely move a muscle.

Feeling something on my shoulder, I quickly jumped with a whimper and flicked it away.

My mind was picturing it as a cold, black, venomous spider that was yet to crawl itself to my head. Swiftly swiveling my head to take a look at what it was, I realized that it was Noodles hands.

I didn't bother.

I returned my eyes back to the stranger and he was gone, once the light flickered he disappeared. One second he was there and the other he wasn't. He had vanished into thin air.

"Hey T! What is wrong with you?!" She didn't mean it in a bad way but the glare I gave her made her reconstruct her sentence in a much less annoying way. "I mean you have been acting strangely today. Are you okey? I mean I'm your friend right? You can share it with me I'll keep my mouth shut if its critical. Sit down and at least tell me something?"

She gave herself a seat opposite mine and started digging into a hotdog she had come with. She had brought two but since she knew I wasn't in the mood to eat, I guessed she had brought the two for herself.

I still couldn't believe that that person or thing was gone I took one last surreptitious glance and sure enough he was gone.

I considered it a hallucination that assumedly came as a side effect of a terrible day full of panic and depression. I took a seat.

"You have to talk T if you need help," Noodles uttered in concern her chubby cheeks dancing to chewing the half-bitten hot dog.

I sighed and decided to spill the beans to her.

Noodles knew about our breakup with Wade so the whole love thing was not a surprise to her. She knew that I was trying by all means to get over him and by hearing that he was now the new school president she was surprised. She knew what that meant.

Her advice remained the same 'find a new guy.' It sounded like a walk in a park but truly it was nothing less than toddling to hell and back.

MM's car honk caught us both in a deep argument about how I couldn't find the right person. A person that could make me feel like I owned the world. Where it could be me him and maybe a back of chips in case we got hungry.

The honk was cue for me to leave. The argument wasn't over so we postponed it and called round one a stalemate.

I toddled for the door and psyched myself with a sigh to get rained on for the short distance through the patio towards the drive way where MM had packed.

"Take this you Idiot." Noodles appeared handing me a small umbrella. "Or tomorrow you will be like. Ooh I have a cold," she mimicked comically when I caught a cold two years before.

"Thanks. Pumpkin head," I mocked her back by calling her the name of a character in our favourite horror movie.

The umbrella was small but at least it covered me from the rain. I hadn't noticed how heavy it was until the drops hit the umbrella. They almost shook it.

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