Chapter 9-Into The Party, I Went

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"Where are my manners," he cleared his throughout.

The last thing I was expecting to come out of his lips was anything to do with a relationship. I would rather be alone in the next few weeks or so before my wounds heal. I wouldn't want to create another on top of the another.

Camilla was still on her book and was doing excellently in acting like she wasn't listening.

"I'm Noah, and I want you to help me hook up with Isabella."

Camilla busted into a loud guffaw that somehow contagiously spread to me. I laughed out loud almost toppling off my chair. Camilla almost crying her joy out.

If only he had the slightest idea of how terrible Isabella was at relationships.

We couldn't blame him.

We acquired unwanted attention, and since it was beginning to sound annoying we lowered our profile.

Clearly he didn't get the joke.

We just gave him Isabella's number, and he walked away after thanking us.


MM would be the best boss anyone would ever want to have. He interacted with workers and customers freely. If you didn't know him you would probably think that he was one of the workers. He therefore puzzled out all problems faced by both workers and customers in the hotel and found possible solutions. Only under rare circumstances did problems happen. Because of his good business security skills.

He glided around the hotel beside me serving like other waiters.

I served a few customers until one customer specifically pointed at me to serve him. What was worse was the fact that he sent MM.

I glared at him once and immediately recognized him. He was a guy who had been trying to flirt with me for over a month. I always turned him down or ignored him since I had a so called boyfriend. Even then that I didn't, I would still prefer being single for a little recovery time.

The guy had black eyes, bushy well curved eyebrows, thin pink lips, a husky cheekbone, and a complementing complexion. Clad in a white button up shirt and a bowtie like one who was a groomsman from a wedding or a barista from a high class resultant, a black trouser and black shimmering leather shoes.

I switched my glace over to MM, and it seemed like he knew what was going on by the smirk he shot at me.

He was holding the menu in between his hands, his eyes glued at me as I trekked across the gangway towards him.

"How can I help you?" Were the first words I managed, ignoring his eyes.

"You," he answered in a husky voice removing his sunglasses to torture but I wasn't interested.

"Excuse me?"

"No, I mean, I simply want Cheese and Burger," I gave him a sneer, still wondering what he meant, that instinctively made him explain himself. "Its what's written at the back of your shirt right?"

I huhed at him, scribbled his request on the small notebook together with his seat number, plucked out the piece of paper and handed it over to a lady standing behind the counter.

My Ex boyfriend Is A Pycho Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora