Chapter 26-Old piece of crap

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I happened to note that there was no breaking of glasses or destroying of property in the house, so it must have happened recently.

What were their names? Camilla scribbled.

"Their mom was called, I don't know Maratha, and the sons were, Hillary and... I don't know. Its been over twenty years okay!"

We couldn't blame him. Not like I had lived for twenty years, and I had already forgotten millions of stuff. Out of questions we were, so we exchanged glances amongst ourselves wishing an important helpful quiz would pop up like a bulb above our heads.

Why would anyone want us to do a research about an ugly family that lived ages past? Not unless it had a link to the Wade.

I guessed that was another dead end, or there was a wall in between the truth and us but it was so unbreakable. I wished I could just have a peek at what was on the other side.

Noodles snatched a piece of paper from Camilla and a pen.

Tension begging to build, warming up the surrounding air, she slowly scribbled down her popped up quiz. Letter after the other. Like she had forgotten her handwriting, she did it slow and steady like a toddler learning how to write. Then she revealed her written down text.

Did they eat?


"Yes you idiot, they had a small farm behind their house where they grew fruits and beverages. Is she the stupidest between the four of you? Coz she looks like one."


I snatched the paper before she had finished scribbling rubbish.

"We should get out of here," I suggested.

"Yeah, but we are not going to leave him here, are we?"

"Of course no," I remarked before Isabella could remark the exact opposite.

But how do we...

"Why did you do that Noodles?!" I exclaimed.

"He keeps pissing me off," she said having slammed the old guy with the same antique object, but this time he did not pass out.

He shook his head back to live.

She raised the object to slam him once again but Isabella was swift to hold her hand back, "you will kill him."

"I thought that was what he wanted," we gave her looks like, he didn't say he needed a catalyst for that. "He is going to die anyway," Noodles groaned after being denied permission to turn him off. "Well, how do we carry him by foot to uptown?"

"Who said anything about walking?" Isabella enquired in a familiar tone like she knew something we didn't.

"No one, I literally said by foot which is technically walking so.. yeah... Yeah I'm the one who said it," Noodles argued with herself, "wait, is there something I'm missing?"

We dragged the old guy still on the chair to his own garage. He mumbled a million words that I gave less attention to. Most of which were insults.

Isabella said that she had seen something covered in nylon in the garage through the half open garage door outside. She wasn't sure whether it was a locomotive or anything that could move, but she used movie scenarios and suspected that it could be car.

We stood back and gave her the first class seat, to pull off the vast, covering, black, nylon paper. She did it animatedly and our eager eyes met a car, but not what we were expecting.

It looked like one that was made I don't know..... When the first car was invented.

Small, vintage, blue I guessed colored, dingy, aged, 19s model car. Old piece of crap was how Noodles defined it as. Immediately after succeeding to uncover it something from its inside dropped with a vigorous bang, like a loosen screw had  fallen off. I swallowed a lump of saliva in doubt of making it out with it.

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