Chapter 32-An Intruder

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"Alma!" I called.

"That bruise is too small for an axe. The fact that we left him laying there with Wade in the same room, then he would have been axed."

Her words started making sense as soon as I doubly checked the wound around his thigh. It was more like a scratch, sort of like something had managed to cut through the fibers of his trouser and gotten some part of his thigh.

The fact that he wasn't axed but slammed to a sink, with a man who had an axe with him, sounded corny. How he maneuvered around the hallways and only got a mia scratch around his thigh in such a hell sounded even cornier. He knocked the door not even attempting to open it so he knew there were people in the archery.

He lined forward to fidget on me but I was quick to jump away from any closer to him, "answer the question asked," I insisted agitatedly.

Limping backwards, he sighed.

He quit the innocent play and decided to show what a devil he was. He shoved his hand in his back animatedly pulling something he had been hiding.

As he did so, Alma tightened the bow as I instinctively toddled backwards.

It was an axe. He grinned devilishly unleashing it from where it had been hidden. "Surprise!" He exclaimed stepping towards me.


"Make any other step closer to her and I shoot," Alma was serious, that tone was no joke.

He stopped on his trails and grinned devilishly.


After I left the orphanage, Cole waited for me to go back and check him out. Maybe persuade my parents to adopt him too, but I didn't do either. He remained in suffering every night peering at the stars at night like we used to together. He convinced himself that I would back for him but that didn't change the fact that I didn't.

When an intelligence agent was sent, he did save all the kids but him.

Dimitri stole him from the crowds of kids that were to be saved and ran with him deep into dark woods.

Ever since that day he put the blame on me.

Until one day he finally got anl chance to get to me. He saw a man in a black coat, who gave him an opportunity to find me and help him finish me.


He narrated before taking a step forward.

Alma shot her well set arrow as promised. It crossed my face, the impact almost hitting me as well, digging directly into his right arm from the front to the back. The shaft sticking in between. Blood spatting out with utter pressure almost spilling on me, he didn't quite.

He switched his axe to the left hand, jolting forward angling it towards my head.

Alma triggered another arrow but unanticipatedly, clumsily released it. It shot with the same impact and luckily it hit him. Right into his right side of the chest, it dug. The impact pushed him backwards, but he was too resilient and in a second he was back to stability.

He loosened the axe lowering the angle of inclination, like one that had felt no pain, he clasped the arrow by his chest with his left and snapped it into two.

My eyes and my mouth widened in unison in disbelief my lungs inhaling more oxygen than the recommended amount.

He grinned and tightened his grip on the axe raising it in a slow eerie manner, like he wanted to kill me in a slow but painful way.

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