Chapter 28-Cole

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"What?" His arrogant tone didn't sound any friendly.

"W... Were you cheating on me?" Somehow my eyes were getting tear filled forcing me to break the stare in his eyes.

"Yeah," he didn't even hesitate. He wasn't joking, was he? Knowing that he had completely wrecked the remaining spirit in me, he gave me one last glare and departed immediately. With zero concern.

I couldn't stop him. How or where my remaining strength went, I couldn't tell.

One second I was seated on the hallway floor, the other I was seated on my bathroom floor breaking down. How the rest of the day went I couldn't tell, but what I could tell was that nothing good came out of the conversation I had with Wade.

Comparing the inferno of pain blazing inside me, being tore from limb to limb was a mia drop in an vast ocean, being decapitated head from body was a grain of dust, being shred from fiber to fiber was an atom, swallowing red hot nails was not even in consideration on the list.

The audacity of answering in less than a second and shredding my emotions into bitty uncollectible shatters, like a glass building during an earthquake, was what pained me the most, leave alone the fact that I did not quiz him about the guys who had been dying.

Up to the last tear, I cried. I could no more, more so then that my head was on fire.

I took my sleeping drugs and threw myself on the bed.

I had to stop Wade or whoever was murdering my boy-friends but before that I had to get over him. Not really knowing how to face either, I promised myself to do it.


I couldn't show him that I was hurting, no. I did make up like usual, making myself look more attractive, took a healthy breakfast made by MM, and raced for the bus stop.

I caught a bus as soon as I got to the stop and bounded it.

Next to me seated the same old lady that I had been wanting to talk to, and see if what I presumed was true.

"Hi," she started the conversation even before I was ready to.

"Hey," I faked a grin.

Like she could see through my make up she told me that I looked like I was going through hell. Though hell was a under statement, I admitted it.

She didn't have much to say but the words, "sometimes sacrifices are worth it," glued themselves inside my head. In my case sacrificing would lead one to death or worse but there always is another way around.

I was still thinking about the old ladies words even after the first four lessons.

"T, are you sick?" I didn't know why Isabella was asking that but I hoped it wasn't my make up setting me up.

"No, why?"

"You have been starring too much."

Before I had uttered another word, I heard an unfamiliar tone from behind me calling my name. It sounded masculine and as far as I knew, all the boys I had hang out with recently were in graves. He must have not been a recent hang out then.

I didn't even bother swiveling my head, for his own safety. Camilla and Isabella at the opposite side of the table could see him, and by the look of their blank faces they didn't know him either.

Unexpectedly, his face appeared in front of mine. I froze.

"Cole," he brought back some of the oldest memories. I never thought I would see him again.

He used to be my best friend in the orphanage, and only him made my life glow in the total darkness. We did almost everything together, which most of the times it led both of us in jeopardy.

He slept next to me, every night we watched the stars after sneaking out to the roof, we ate on the same table, we dressed almost the same every day, we listened to common types of songs, and a lot more I couldn't recall clearly.

The last time I checked on the orphanage was when MM filed a case against it. It didn't go well, somehow he orphanage managed to hide its true colors from the government. After that we fled from Honeyvill to Mistyhills for a new beginning with my family.

I couldn't believe that it was him. Not until I touched him and made sure he was human, which he was. In the middle of the cafeteria I took him in for a tight hug.

One that gave me life, tears of joy and agony finding a way out of my eyes. His warmth enveloped me with sheer bliss and a thrill of home. The rate of his heart beat racing like mine was a sign that he was shocked too and acquitted to meet me as well.

Death contract, signed. He automatically booked a spot for the next killing.

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