Chapter 2-Lurking Behind The Misty Road

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"Oh," I sheepishly replied.

"There were two more bodies found close to Helen's home, and now the cops are doing random calls to some of the students who attended the party."

She was giving me a heads up in case I got contacted by the authorities, but she sounded a little worried.

I couldn't recall the guy nor anything to do with him, but no human deserved such kind of brutality. I wouldn't even recommend my worst enemy to get killed in such a manner. A severely, animalistic butcher.


Breaking up with Wade was not in the cards and never would have been if not for my insecurities. I half blamed myself for my own depression.

What hurt the most was the fact that he seemed to be carrying on well without me. He'd never called, nor sent a single text to check on me, or even show efforts to reach out on me.

Despite all that, his departure left an vast abyss in my life. The feelings that I never knew existed in me out of the blues were nowhere to be found. Smiling and laughing, like a crazy girl, was no longer my thing. Going to the theater and taking an extra large can of popcorns to devour during the movie no longer felt the same, not even with my clique.

Memories we made with him flashed across my mind one after the other like a rivulet running down a gentle hill.

Almost forgetting that I was in a public bus, I caught some tears running down my cheeks and was quick to wipe them out with the back of my right hand scanning surreptitiously if there was anyone who had seen me cry.

Seated next to me was an old lady, maybe in her late sixties or something. She had some freckles and wrinkles scattered all around her face more so around her cheeks and forehead, grey hair tied into an elegant bun, dark brown eyes, pink and a little crooked lips, and an oval shaped head.

"Anything wrong miss?" She enquired in genuine concern. She had been watching me for a while, but I was too deep in thoughts to notice.

"No," I answered swiveling my head back to the direction of the cold window, and layed my head against it.

One of the things that I loved about the journey to school was the paranormal, good view of the rising sun from the Eastern horizon. The crimson-yellow glow swarmed over the lush lawn topography that stood between the bus and it creating a consoling view of green.

I also loved the fact that I got free vitamin D from it daily. It was one of the few remaining things I enjoyed ever since the brake up.

No sooner had I gotten a satisfactory amount of vitamin D, than the Mistyhills bamboo forest clogged the sun rays. It always happened most of the times so I was used to it.

The green bamboo trees formed a beautiful archway which was kind of dark, but seemed like a good architectural piece of artwork that formed itself for free. The school would spend millions in making such an archway but generous Mr or Mrs Nature made it for free.

Mistyhills was not called misty for nothing. After the vintage, blue, smoking, bus which was made I don't know... When earth was born, cruised for a while, it was hit by a cloud of whitish mist, forcing the driver to turn on the front lights and slow down.

Usually it wasn't as thick but since we were closing to a cold season, it was so thick that you could barely see your hands in front of your own face. That would be the last place on earth one would want his or her car to breakdown. It would take forever to fix it or know the direction back.

The mist came with tingling cold. Instinctively, I took my green hoodie from my bag and swiftly put it on. It would be the worst time to catch a cold, plus my stress it would be a quagmire almost inevitable.

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