Chapter 3-Ice Co..Co..Cold Glare

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I took a step for it but the mist got heavier tendrils muffling the figure even more.

"Aah, what are we supposed to be looking at?" Isabella comically quizzed squinting at the direction I was glaring at.

"Nothing," the figure had been muffled to disappearance.

I furtively snuck a glare at the figure but it was surely gone.

I could still feel its glare somewhere behind the heavy mist. It must have been real. I could feel it.

Isabella pulled me towards the gate playfully as we toddled in.

The hallways were filled with students hastily wading through the crowds for classes, meaning that classes were about to start.

The fact that students still gave me the same glare they did normally before we broke up with Wade meant that our brake up had not yet exploded. I didn't think I could stand the unnerving glares from every corner of the school.

Terrible cheerleader Taylor breaks up with breaks up with handsome superstar Wade. Would be the trending hype in school going around for ages.

The locker room had equal pandemonium to the hallways or worse. This was the part where I bumped into each student that appeared in my tracks apologizing, while some bumped into me as well with and others without regards.

Mistyhills highschool had a voluminous number of students, but since most of the students were reluctant, says one of them, to arrive at school earlier than expected, to have some space to breathe, they only arrived a few minutes before classes hence creating the pandemonium.

Some reluctant fellas arrived later than expected getting as much space as they could and in return received a punishment on top of it.

Mistyhills high was one of the highest rated education centers in the country. No wonder it had such a vast number of students though it was located at one of the coldest peaks in the country. Where the cold chill of October is manufactured by nature. Lucky enough, our school was fully equipped with proper weapons to face cold temperatures.

I could barely tell where my locker was from the crowd that was covering my view, but at least I knew it was next to Isabella's. Locker 2300.

I was waylaid by bemusement for a minute until I got a glimpse of Isabella's blonde hair. It had a distinct appearance. One that not very many people there in Mistyhills had.

I waded towards her, shoved my hand into my pocket, removed my locker's swipe card and gently swiped it across the card swipe machine. It beeped a lawn-green and chimed open as I shoved the card back into my pocket. Isabella had already opened hers.

Her entire locker was frilled with articles, posters and pictures of famous people most of which were shirtless. She was so obsessed with wrestling and crime movies.

"Let me guess. You got lost once again."

This wasn't the first time I forgot where my locker was located and she knew that pretty well.

"I guess," I replied rising a brow.

"Finding your locker is so easy. Its the sixteenth one from the far right. Two lockers from Kyles. Forty four lockers from Mirabel and sixty two lockers from the far left. Understood?"

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