Chapter 7-Couldn't Sleep

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Cold, dark, sinister, horror and mysterious exactly as I could recall him. The man in a black coat.

At first I had thought that the figure was imaginative and a total mental-world construction but my hand relenting and making the exact same figure meant that it was real.

After drawing, shading and artistically curving the image, I could now feel my hand. Stretching it, I realized that I had the hang of it. I dropped the pen and stared at the image the passe of my heartbeat slowly revving.

No, no, I must be on drugs or something.


I could feel the padding of my feet as I toddled on a concert floor. My green striped and black sport shoes tapping simultaneously.

In front of me stood Wade grinning at me. A smile that could almost touch his right to left ear.

He was in a black suit that displayed the shape of his bulged muscles and a complementing white shirt that was unbuttoned up to his chest. Showing a small part of it.

His right hand was hidden behind his back adding even more solemn to the combination of words I had been practising for ages. I wished it wasn't a flower coz if it was then it would be placed on the grave of our relationship.

I was all filled with melancholy and I could feel my eyes getting tear filled. My gloomy face was hidden under a black hoodie contradicting to what a girl should ware on a date.

I couldn't make it to look into his large turquoise eyes but I had to say something.

Summoning all my strength, I made on last sigh daring to tell him the truth.

As soon as I made it to look at him he had a knife hoisted above my head and was bringing it down to jab me right at my head.


I woke up gulping as much air as I could rising my back from the bed into a seating position.

My heart pounded hard against its cages like an over aged accelerating helicopter engine and every body hair had erected like a spider that had sensed danger. I took in fast short breaths to complement with the speed of my heart beat.

Thinking that sleeping pills were rivals to nightmares then I guessed I was wrong.

I assessed around my room just to make sure I was alone and not with an entity that brought nightmares or relentlessness.

I was alone and everything in place just like I had left it before I took some sleeping pills.

My bedside lamp was still lit, sporadic heaps of clothes all over the floor, poorly done curtain still hanging loosely and my sketch book on the bedside lamp table.

The image my hand had drawn was still there peering through the wide ajar book.

I closed it and quickly tossed it in my bathroom locking it in.

The nightmares was a merge of how I approached Wade to tell him that we should brake up together with another scene that I had never seen before. Wade wanting to jab me was something that had never ever happened before.

The nightmare reminded me of how I used to have nightmares when I was twelve. Just after being adopted. I used to have nightmares of the nuns that mistreated us. They would punish me and eventually I would wake up and feel as if it was real.

I tried to suffocate the nightmares but they always survived and than came out of nowhere like an evil surprise.

At times I could hear a familiar whistle, that was done by one of the nuns while they were yet to torture us, in the deep gloom of the forest.

I barely slept and secretly became insomniac until one day MM found out.

I had to go through serious sessions of therapy with Sam until they no longer invaded my mind and now I was starting to get afraid.

What if this same nightmare becomes like that of the nuns and I would have to tell MM and Sam what happened?

It was somewhere in the middle of the night and after having such a nightmare I couldn't dare sleep again.

I peeked outside the window to make sure that nobody was watching me.

It wasn't raining anymore but there were dark clouds lingering in the sky. There were enough streetlights to see like broad daylight so I could make every activity that was taking place.

Apart from the hauling of the wind, rustling of leaves and drunkards chattering at a distance there didn't seem to be anything fishy taking place. I vetted once again for double assurance and seemingly everything was normal.

I jumped on my bed cuddled my pillow hard against my chest and enveloped myself with my white duvet.

I stayed up till dawn, when golden light from the far East horizon was visible.

I was still holding my pillow in between my knees and face hiding under my duvet when some light made it through the edges.

The traditional alarm screamed abruptly almost making me jump out of my skin.

"Taylor Wakie wakie, breakfast is ready," from downstairs Sam shouted.

Breakfasts was Sam's duty that day so I wasn't expecting anything more than a tasteless combination of food that would take forever to tell what they were.

I got out of the bed still reluctant to escape the warmth that I had been generating all night. Slouching out of the bed, I yanked the bathroom door open and my eyes automatically peering at the floor where I had thrown the book.

It wasn't there.

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