Chapter 20-Unlock Gwen's Phone

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Glad you did w__

The texts were starting to feel intrusive. Plus the fact that there was no way Gwen could leave her phone behind. The texts were definitely meant for us. We had to open it.

"What happened," MM enquired glaring at me through the rare view mirror.

"She fell."


"Do you think its the man in a black coat?"

Well, at first both him and Sam barely believed my story, but MM was starting to rethink. He switched his glance fro his patting feet to me.

We were seated on a bench in a hospital lobby waiting to hear Isabella's report.

By the time we got there she had almost passed out. She had lost a lot of blood but she was a strong girl, I had faith in her.


There was a vast screen by the hospital counter. When MM looked at it he switched his gauze towards me. I caught interested and switched to the screen. There was another guy butchered.

He was the guy we had quizzed for the direction to Wade's house.

"And that?"

I shook my head.

MM sighed, tilted on his seat and started rubbing his nose bridge. I knew that sign. He was wishing that it would have been another person but his one and only daughter.

"I'm sorry " I apologized basically for all the mistakes I had done ever since the brake up.

"No, it's not your fault."

"Its not yours either," I muttered touching his back.

He swiveled his head and sighed with a ghost smile. Before that father daughter conversation had gotten deeper Sam raced in.

Quick walking from the end of the hallway. "Are you okey?" She placed the back of her hand on my fore head, asked me to open my mouth,and checked out my eyes. Meticulously scanning every, curve, inch, and edge of my body.

"I'm fine," I reassured.

He sandwiched me into a tight hug. "I was so worried, I came here as fast as I could. How about your friend?"

That was up to the doctor clad in sky blue clothes, black shoes, and a white mask, that was approaching us. "She is fine just lost a lot of blood but she will be okey soon. All I need is for you to sigh here," she handed MM a clipboard with a sheet of paper on it, offered him a pen and pointed at him where to sign. "And here. Thank you we shall notify you when she is well."

MM suggested we go to Isabella's place and tell her parents what happened to her, which was a good idea.


I spent the entire night trying to find Gwen's pictures on social media. Her phone was facial unlock and only her, not very charming, face would unlock it. There wasn't any.

As if she knew we would go looking for her picture, there wasn't any existence of her accounts. She had erased every single trace of her social media life.

How? Why?

I took my sleeping pills and strode to the bathroom. Swallowing them, I took a dollop of water.

I was out in no time.

"We have to take a picture of her." After narrating to my clique what happened to Isabella and the fact that I thought that Wade was communicating to us through the phone, Alma suggested that we had to take Gwen a picture.

That was insane.

"How?" Camilla enquired.

"Brian," we gave her expressions like, explain. "Brian can go flirting with her," she suggested starring right at Camilla.

Camilla thought for a while before accepting.

Brian was to get a close shot of her.

"No, getting intimately close to her, no touching her, and don't even think of nearing your lips to hers," Camila growled. "Am I clear?"


Alma and I switched glances, like are we supposed to be listening to this.

Brian had to play like it was a coincidence that he met Gwen in one of the hallways, and somehow take her a picture.

Apparently Brian wasn't that good at taking photographs. He took one, of her chin. Which was completely useless. He said he had placed his phone in his chest's shirt pocket.

We had to find another way through.

"I will do it," Alma must have been kidding.

She set a timer on her phone to take a photo after two minutes.

Striding across the cafeteria, she walked right to Gwen's clique table. It looked like they were doing a fruitful conversation, before it exploded into a rough quarrel.

I happened to notice that Gwen had another phone with her, when she stood up. The tip of it was hanging outside her dress' pocket.

I was a second from getting to my feet, when Camilla clasped my hand. "She knows what she is doing."

Before it got uncontrollable, she left the fight. Insults following her.

She sat next to me with her phone grasped between her fingers, "I got it."

Now we had to find a place to open the phone, I had taken with me.

The lab was empty, and we still had some time before the next class.

Showing Gwen's picture to her phone, at first it denied access. The second trial was fruitful. The lock screen slid open.

I know you now have the phone.

Hope we meet at my place. I'll be watching you.

Glad you did what I thought you wouldn't, walk out in one piece.

He was communicating to us all along.

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