Chapter 16-Downtown

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Gwen might have played a part in Noah's murder, and I hated to think of it that Wade could have been the murder, or might have played a role in it, or the man in a black coat.

Everything begun when we broke up and then I came to realise that he was communicating with a suspect.

If there wasn't a part of the puzzle missing, then it was all a coincidence. One as rare as a shadow catcher.

"Taylor' have you zoned off again?" Isabella snapped me out.

A public bus had already arrived so we boarded.

Isabella took Gwen's phone with her. She thought one of her far cousins could crack it open.

On the trending hype, another guy had been killed. In the same cold manner as all the others. I had bumped into him on one of the hallways in school, I dropped my books and he assisted me to pick them up. I wished it didn't look romantic.

I didn't bother even knowing his name. I just scuttled away from him as soon as we finished collecting the books, for his own safety. There he was on the trending hype.

It was realised that three of the murdered students were from Mistyhills high, so security was promised to be enforced during the weekend.

On the also trending hype, was how down town was getting insidiously, affected by the rains. There would be a heavy storm nearing the end of the following week so people were being advised to evacuate as soon as possible.

I couldn't sleep. Maybe because my entire highschool life might have been blazed into dead ashes, or the fact that maybe Wade had been cheating on me with Gwen, or maybe Wade was the murderer, or maybe there was a part of the puzzle that was still missing, and then there was a probability that I couldn't go close to any other guy in my life apart from MM, Sam and Brian.

I went hysterical. Life was becoming a large piece of formidable puzzle, that I was losing. Before I went more crazier and start dashing things on walls. I swallowed a sleeping pill.

I had to tell my friends my thoughts on the people who were getting killed.

My phone's ringing tone woke me up. It felt like I had slept for an hour or less, but it was more like eight hours.

It was Isabella calling, "Wake up! Camilla asked me to take you to Wade's place."

I didn't argue much. I just asked her for the time and place to meet.

I slouched off my bed still enveloped in my duvet which was stained with mascara from my tears, some lipstick and other colourful stuff. It was supposed to be white, but it was kaleidoscopic and dingy.

After a short shower, I face lifted myself and dressed up in a sports black and white stripped trouser, white nice sport shoes and a white top.

I was a little scared and at some point delighted. I wanted to look astonishing in case he cooperated, but at the same time sporty in case he came out with an arsenal of sharp weapons.

One thing that I kept in mind was the fact that all that could be a coincidence though a one in a trillion one, but there was still a mia probability.

I told MM and Sam that I was going to visit a friend, and they told me to take care. I really needed to do that last part of their statement. Most probably because I was going to a psychopath's place or at least a suspect's place. They seemed a little worried for me, judging by the past events, but I guaranteed them that I would be safe by turning on the tracker in my phone.

Isabella was at the car junction, where we had agreed to meet seated on a public bench. Clad in a slinky blue jeans trouser and a casual pink t-shirt.

"What took you so long?" Seeing Isabella there before me meant that I was way later than late.

"I was caught up a little." Caught up was synonym of sleeping.

She took me into a lose hug, and after breaking it she shoved her right hand into her pocket, and removed Gwen's phone. There was another text from Wade.

Sadly she still hadn't cracked open the phone, and glad she still had it. She was so careless that calling her careless would be an insult to the careless. I was surprised not to hear her say that  she couldn't tell where it was, but she had it on her palm.

"Hope we meet___, I still haven't figured out the password yet," she read the text.

Well, that text was not making much sense. Maybe they had agreed to meet with Gwen somewhere.

I raised my shoulders gesturing that neither had I, and decided to lead the way to Wade's place. It was supposed to be a few blocks from the car junction. A trekking distance. I kept on confirming the address to make sure we didn't get lost but Isabella snatched it and decided to become the captain of our ship.

All I have to do is go in there find Wade and apologize. At least explain to him a little about what made me break up with him and request him to be my friend. The plan kept on recurring in my mind.

Sounded easy.

I told Isabella about my observations about the dead guy. She said it was trash until she rethought it for a few seconds. "That's not trash... That's stupid."

Yeah, she thought I was over thinking the entire situation. I reminded her the scenario with Gwen when she called her during Noah's murder, and she thought it was starting to make sense.

She still doubted it. Wade seemed to be everything but evil. His relationship with everyone was just warm, and cosy, and friendly.

We strode straight, took a right then another right, and a few more corners then we were lost. Completely.

We were forced to waylay a random stranger. A guy, like in his early thirties, bushy brows, a little taller than me, and dark haired.

For his safety, Isabella, who thought she knew the streets better and got us in the middle of nowhere, was the one consulting him. I stood a fair distance away from them watching as he signed with his hands the direction to the house.

We were back in line.

There was a house number 36 then there was 38, but we were looking for number 37. It was in between the two. I frowned at it. Was it even habitable in the first place?

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