Chapter 25-Ths Ugly Family

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When the old man was born he found the house standing. It was owned by an ugly man and an even uglier lady. They were the true definition of ugly, even calling them ugly would be an insult to the ugly.

No one ever knew where they came from, and they were just the two of them. No relatives, no friends, no pets, and no children.

They owned that part of the town, which was forlorn since the previous habitants fled. The closest person from them was about a kilometer or more away. Most people said that they were witches or contaminated with a serious disease and often discriminated them for their ugliness and did not want to associate with them not even in social works. They were not invited in town occasions, holiday events, environmental clean ups, or anything that involved communal interaction.

Good for them, they seemed careless about other peoples thoughts about them and were happy together. At least that was what Neptune observed. Not until one day, she got pregnant. Their world turned upside down.

It is believed that the ugly lady suffered the inevitable, intense labour pain in her house, having known that she wouldn't get any help from the community clinic.

Near death, the lady gave birth. Her husband having played a big role as a doctor which he hadn't the slightest knowledge about.

They were triplets but one died. Two sons survived.

They were supposed to be twins but no one couldn't tell whether they were alike. Their faces were disfigured so bad that even the devil would reject them in hell. Tan, swelling, cadaverous, and all freckled skin, protruding teeth, greyish hair, cracked blackish lips, and deformed unhealthy bodies was a vivid way Neptune would describe them.

Even at their young age they looked like they were older than the oldest ever existing human.

No one ever knew if for their parents it was their fault being ugly, but for the kids obviously it was not their fault. All in all they were discriminated just like their parents in school and in the town. They were like a stinking smell, every where they went everyone there left.

Despite their parents being happy on their own, they wanted their kids to fit in and be happy like other kids.

Whispers have it that they came up with a magical trick. Through mirrors they could somehow telepathically control a person on the other end of it.

They faked love for their children by controlling other kids through mirrors.

Their parents once invited people to their wedding, including Neptune's mother, but they all made excuses and declined their invitation others accepted in fear but never appeared. If was believed that only the marrying family attended its wedding.

One curious explorer noticed that they had been missing for over a month and crept to their house. They were not there, but they left everything. They carried not a single pin or crumble from the house.

They were tired of hypnotising people to love their kids, trying to fit in but they just couldn't, being feared while they were harmless. They just went. Disappeared and never heard of.

Some people said that they might return, and so the house was preserved for them in fear of being diseased, haunted, or whatever they would do if they came back.

Never had they been heard of again from that day.

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