
Ava was holding on to me tight as I walked through the door. She probably was scared of all the flashes and people. She's still getting used to not being covered anymore.

The Broken Egg was packed! Of course fans started screaming and taking pictures. Ava started frowning so I started bouncing her up and down as I smiled and waved at them.

I didn't have to wait at all. They escorted me and Ava to an empty part of the building where I think nobody comes. It was closed off. They opened it for me. Probably because they knew I couldn't be seated with everyone else. All they were going to do was take pictures and stare at me as I ate. It's hard to be ordinary when you're famous. They closed the door behind me. I was in there with a waiter.

Me-*Smiles* Good Afternoon.

I noticed the waiter face lite when I spoke. She was around 17. Have to be a fan.

Waiter- G-Good Afternoon! *Smiles*

Me- May I have a baby seat please?

Waiter- Of course!

She walked away and came back with a baby chair. She pulled it up to the table I picked. I looked out the window at the paps as I placed Ava in the chair. I then sat down beside her.

Me-Ava what do you want to eat eat? Eggs? *Baby talks*

I started looking over the menu but all of a sudden everything went black.

??- Guess who.

Me- *Smiles* Trey?

??- Guess again..

Me-*Smirks* Jay.

??- Ya thought.

I grabbed August's wrist.

Me- I know it's you silly.

He uncovered my eyes and held my face as he gave me a kiss.

Ava- Da da! *Giggles*

August gave her a kiss too and took her pacifa.

Aug- I hate dis thang.

Me- It keeps her quiet. Now give it back.

I took it from him and stuck it back in her mouth.

The waiter came back and asked for our drinks. I looked at her name tag.

Me- Shelby can you get me an apple juice and coffee please.

She looked like she wanted to faint when I said her name. I chuckled on the inside.

Aug- Yea give me coffee ta.

She looked like she wanted to extra faint.

Shelby- O-ok. A-re you guys ready to order.

I know she's nervous.

Aug- Ya ready?

Me- Yes.

We ordered and Shelby left.

Aug- I got ya lil note. Cute. *Smirks*

Me- *Chuckles* Was it really?

Aug- All honestey.


August grabbed my hand and just held it. I looked at Ava and she was sticking her fingers in between the tiny cracks in the wooden table. I licked my thumb and wiped something off her face. She tried to move her head but I got it before she could.

Shelby came back with our drinks then a few minutes later she came back with our food. I feed Ava and myself. After I got full I took Ava out her chair and we went and looked out the window. Then August came up and took her. I put my shades on and started getting ready to go.

Me- I'll leave the tip.

Aug- I got it.

Me- Nah. Shelby's a fan of mines and I got something up my sleeve.

Aug- Ightt.

August picked up Ava baby bag and started walking out. I wrote on a piece of napkin and I rolled her tip up in it. She came back and started cleaning off the table.

Me- Here you go Shelby. *Smiles*

She jumped and turned around. She took it and I started walking out.


Shelby- OMG! *Gasp*

I chuckled and walked out the restaurant. I got in the back of the waiting car with August and Ava.

Aug- Off ta exploration.

I chuckled.

The note read:

You're such an amazing waitress! Don't be so nervous next time. I'm just an ordinary person like you!:). Have fun with your tip! Thanks for the support. Much love- Ryan B. Woods.

I left her a two thousand dollar tip.

Just Too Different Season TwoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora